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Old 01-04-2010, 11:40 AM
PFDD PFDD is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 25
Thanks Fritzcat, I suspect you're right in pointing toward the tubing cutter as the potential source of difficulty as it really does roll in the edges of the cut even though I've tried to increase pressure very slowly. I tried cutting a few a bit long and then used a mill file to bring them back down toward 1.400 in the form and trim die and managed to get a few seemingly viable cases out of the 10-12 I experimented with, but they still didnt' fully chamber. I used the RCBS Trimmate to clean up the chamfer after the mill file treatment.

I'm thinking I can use my angle grinder or Dremel with a cut off wheel for a few more attempts before the chop saw shows up. Avoiding the case separation in the die is a good step forward

Thanks again for your input.
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