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Search: Posts Made By: ToxicSports
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-13-2012, 08:00 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,984
Posted By ToxicSports
Hi Sten, sounds like you had some...

Hi Sten,

sounds like you had some interesting results. Your plan for stuck bullet removal is a good one and I like a good JW movie. I've become addicted to Netflix so if I can't find the Duke I'll...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-12-2012, 07:00 PM
Replies: 3
Views: 1,984
Posted By ToxicSports
30-06 experiments

Well gang,

I thought I would start a thread with my other testing platform.

Anyone ever play with their 30-06 at subsonic velocities?

I just started tinkering with subs for this...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-10-2012, 09:41 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Yes I have confirmed the twist in such a way. As...

Yes I have confirmed the twist in such a way. As much as I would have loved to see these work I agree that the OAL of the bullet is just too much for this rifle. Then again, experimenting and finding...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-10-2012, 03:11 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to pick up a...

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to pick up a jug when I can.

Here are my 210 Berger VLD-H(unting) loads with 9.8gr of 5744 on paper. I know that you guys prefer testing at longer distances...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-09-2012, 04:54 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
OK gang, I just velocity tested a few 210...

OK gang,

I just velocity tested a few 210 VLD-H subsonic loads.

9.8gr of aa5744 flew at an average of velocity of 888fps for 5 shots. I'll get them on paper and shoot off sandbags ASAP to check...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-06-2012, 12:56 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Thank you sir! As I suspected the velocities were...

Thank you sir! As I suspected the velocities were not too impressive with the low volume of the powder but it was something that made me wonder "what if"?

Thanks again!!

Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-04-2012, 02:33 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Titleiiredneck, Thanks for the help!! Well,...


Thanks for the help!! Well, to be honest, the only two slow powders I have any knowledge about, and have, are Hodgdon Varget and IMR-4064. I use them for my 30-06 and they are more...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-03-2012, 05:25 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Dick, I have a .311 barrel. I'm just playing...


I have a .311 barrel. I'm just playing around with the .308 since they have a vast number of bullet designs. Well, that and I have a crapload of them for my 30-06 to play with.:smile:
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-03-2012, 02:35 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Does anyone have Quickload? I was going to get it...

Does anyone have Quickload? I was going to get it a few months ago but I decided to get engaged and move to farm country instead.

I'm interested in seeing what QuickLoad offers as suggestions for...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-02-2012, 12:43 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
2bad, thanks for the heads up. I have 5...


thanks for the heads up. I have 5 w/out filler ready for testing. One quick question....did you tip the muzzle up before each test load or not?

I couldn't have said it any better! It...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 12-18-2011, 05:04 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Well, decided to try to test the handful of...

Well, decided to try to test the handful of remaining test loads on paper and over the chrony.

OK, here's the setup. Range 25yrds, off sandbags, around 44* and all the POA were the center X. Rifle...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 12-18-2011, 02:25 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Titleiiredneck, must have responded while I was...

Titleiiredneck, must have responded while I was typing the other response.

The other 200gr+ bullets I use are the Hornady 220gr RN as mentioned and Lapua's "subsonic" and D166. All three shoot...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 12-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
Spook, I'll try to get some this week. ...

Spook, I'll try to get some this week.

Fritzcat, I don't have a suppressor for my 799....just a plain ol' "boring" pipe.

Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 12-18-2011, 02:36 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 6,182
Posted By ToxicSports
7.62x39 Experiments

Hi all, been awhile since I've posted but I wanted to show everyone some fun rounds I've been playing with. I shoot them out of my 20"bbl Rem 799 with a Remington stated 1-9.5" twist rate.

Forum: 300 Whisper Ammo and Reloading 05-17-2011, 07:27 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 9,886
Posted By ToxicSports
Sorry. I forgot to mention that I shoot 7.62x39...

Sorry. I forgot to mention that I shoot 7.62x39 which has slightly more case capacity. Also, the 220gr bullets are the round nose flat base design which has a shorter OAL.
Forum: 300 Whisper Ammo and Reloading 05-16-2011, 10:41 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 9,886
Posted By ToxicSports
I shoot both 174 and 220gr Hornady over 6gr of...

I shoot both 174 and 220gr Hornady over 6gr of TB. I need to re test them over the chrony but if I recall the 220 was under 1000fps and the 174 was a tad over 1000fps. Please don't quote me on these...
Forum: 300 Whisper Ammo and Reloading 04-08-2011, 09:02 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 9,886
Posted By ToxicSports
Snipe, I'm not really worried about the results...

Snipe, I'm not really worried about the results other than to see what will happen. I'm one of those guys who's "what if" butten has been pressed so many times it's stuck.:grin:

My normal subs are...
Forum: 300 Whisper Ammo and Reloading 04-08-2011, 07:51 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 9,886
Posted By ToxicSports
Well, the Russian addition of Snipe's thread has...

Well, the Russian addition of Snipe's thread has begun. I just got my order today and will try to test some subsonic loads this weekend. However, don't let me stop anyone else testing at sub...
Forum: 300 Whisper Ammo and Reloading 04-03-2011, 12:09 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 9,886
Posted By ToxicSports
Those are very interesting indeed! I replaced a...

Those are very interesting indeed! I replaced a handful of WOLF 7.62x39 fmj bullets with some 32acp bullets I had collecting dust for S&G's in the past.

Please keep us updated on your results and...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-24-2011, 01:26 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Pete, thanks for the info. I'm not sure what...

Pete, thanks for the info. I'm not sure what style of bullet I want to test but then again, it's just another one of my "what if" tests to see if it can be done so it really doesn't matter.

Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-23-2011, 08:57 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Pete, If you don't mind me asking which...


If you don't mind me asking which bullet mold/s are you going to use for your x39 loads? I'm really thinking about getting one or two molds and trying my hand at another one of my projects....
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-10-2011, 12:49 AM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Larry, funny that you tinker with Factory...


funny that you tinker with Factory Russian ammo since I started doing the same thing and was wondering how many others do.

I have loaded Hornady 150gr SST's (.310) over 23gr of WOLF...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 01-08-2011, 07:41 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Mr. Silvers, do you knnow by chance if the...

Mr. Silvers,

do you knnow by chance if the quoted load is compressed? Did you get a 20" bbl velocity?

please let us know what you find out. Obviously, we'll find out here but if you get...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 12-27-2010, 03:50 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Hello all, I hope you had a great Christmas! ...

Hello all, I hope you had a great Christmas!

I had a chance to get up to the farm today and test a few supersonic loads out of my Rem. 799.

I only tested for function and pressure signs so...
Forum: Other Subsonic Topics 11-23-2010, 07:06 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 5,512
Posted By ToxicSports
Frank, It's a Remington 799 with a 20" bbl...


It's a Remington 799 with a 20" bbl and a 1-9.5" twist...or so that's what Remington said the twist is. I'll have to run a patch through it and double check.

I'm not sure how strong the...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 31

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