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Search: Posts Made By: pwcosol
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 11-09-2015, 11:42 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 5,206
Posted By pwcosol
Both bayonets appear to be very nice examples of...

Both bayonets appear to be very nice examples of late First Contract Lancay production. The earliest examples had Gen Cut blades with "LANCAY" blade marking in full capital letters and all the early...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 01-19-2015, 11:59 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,262
Posted By pwcosol
The pouch will accommodate a M9 Beretta magazine...

The pouch will accommodate a M9 Beretta magazine which is a snug fit. The single nylon pouches specifically made for the magazine, with either ALICE metal belt clips or Molle suspensions, are have a...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 12-13-2014, 09:43 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 4,454
Posted By pwcosol
What a very nice M9 you have there!!!

What a very nice M9 you have there!!!
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 03-16-2014, 11:56 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,799
Posted By pwcosol
Marv, I agree with your assessment and subscribe...

Marv, I agree with your assessment and subscribe to your first scenario that it "slipped by unnoticed and became a US issue piece...". The seller provided how he came to acquire the bayonet when I...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 03-06-2014, 12:22 AM
Replies: 4
Views: 2,546
Posted By pwcosol
My understanding is the USMC was looking for two...

My understanding is the USMC was looking for two things in the 1993 trials bayonet which they wanted over the standard design. One was a solid tang which they believed would be stronger than the...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 03-06-2014, 12:00 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,799
Posted By pwcosol
Unusual Lan-Cay 2nd Contract Variant

I acquired this Lan-Cay M9 about 18 months ago. It is a variation which is outside standard production. It appears to be a first pattern blade with fuller and step on the spine. However, the blade...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 11-18-2012, 07:06 PM
Replies: 21
Views: 9,650
Posted By pwcosol
I was under the impression all blades were forged...

I was under the impression all blades were forged and then finish-machined where necessary. Sometimes the finish-machining was minimal or sloppy. Here is a example of a shallow fuller blade utilized...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 11-15-2012, 11:41 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 9,650
Posted By pwcosol
Since I began collecting the MPBS M9, I have...

Since I began collecting the MPBS M9, I have arrived at these conclusions about Lan-Cay M9 production:
Very little seems to have been wasted. Components that did not meet mil-spec were set aside. ...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 11-12-2012, 07:25 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,314
Posted By pwcosol
I suspect the interest in this particular bayonet...

I suspect the interest in this particular bayonet was greater from the BUCK knife/bayonet fraternity than collectors whom are primarily interested the M9 as a bayonet. Such a bayonet would likely be...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 10-16-2012, 11:56 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,314
Posted By pwcosol
I have a friend down in the San Diego area whom...

I have a friend down in the San Diego area whom said a guy turned up at the Del Mar gun show several months ago with some sort of USMC commemorative bayonet. Said the guy was fishing for a price, and...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 10-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,720
Posted By pwcosol
...and I could have purchased one from a guy at...

...and I could have purchased one from a guy at my local swapmeet (on two different occasions last month) for about $75.00!!! Guess I am going to have to change my perspective, now that Lan-Cay is no...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 08-24-2012, 11:10 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 4,454
Posted By pwcosol
Yes, I heard SABRE got nailed about a year back....

Yes, I heard SABRE got nailed about a year back. Figured they were history shortly thereafter, but may still be cleaning house. My understanding was they had 200 of the PI M9s commissioned, with...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 08-24-2012, 11:00 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 2,981
Posted By pwcosol
If memory serves, over a year ago, both a gray...

If memory serves, over a year ago, both a gray finish & black oxide finish Lan-Cay M9 Utility were offered by the same guy on GB.C. I think they were separate auctions, and they sold @ $125.00 each,...
Forum: Buck M9 Bayonet Topics 12-30-2011, 12:38 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 9,068
Posted By pwcosol
Well, seems a lesson was learned here. If one is...

Well, seems a lesson was learned here. If one is going to post a collectible on a website like Quarterbore, they should be prepared to accept commentary, both positive or negative and possibly defend...
Forum: Buck M9 Bayonet Topics 12-29-2011, 06:42 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 9,068
Posted By pwcosol
M9A1: Thank you for stating what is obscured by...

M9A1: Thank you for stating what is obscured by "shaded +" on tang. To my knowledge 1993 BUCK USMC trials bayonets should have nothing there. Perhaps Bill Porter can verify this (although rivet tang...
Forum: Buck M9 Bayonet Topics 12-29-2011, 11:08 AM
Replies: 24
Views: 9,068
Posted By pwcosol
M9A1: In your first picture showing the M9 blade...

M9A1: In your first picture showing the M9 blade marking, in upper-right side of photo appears "+" in shaded color. "Mr Moon" is asking with his reply post and "---->" marking what is shaded "+"?...
Forum: General M9 Bayonet Topics 12-26-2011, 10:34 AM
Replies: 29
Views: 11,551
Posted By pwcosol
Regarding the tang, look at some of the earlier...

Regarding the tang, look at some of the earlier threads under BUCK M9 or LanCay. You will find some references to the solid-tang trials bayonets. Here is one link:...
Forum: General M9 Bayonet Topics 12-24-2011, 04:33 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 11,551
Posted By pwcosol
Interesting observations on your Ontario M9. I do...

Interesting observations on your Ontario M9. I do not have a copy of the solicitation by the US Army specifying what type & gauge of wire the M9 was required to cut. However, double-strand barbed...
Forum: General M9 Bayonet Topics 12-14-2011, 11:28 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 4,603
Posted By pwcosol
Thanks Bill for setting the record straight....

Thanks Bill for setting the record straight. Perhaps what I was thinking is the "magazine pouch" was seldom utilized for this purpose. Since the vast majority of M9 bayonets were issued to soldiers...
Forum: General M9 Bayonet Topics 12-12-2011, 07:41 PM
Replies: 13
Views: 4,603
Posted By pwcosol
Adding to what Howard said, although the pouch...

Adding to what Howard said, although the pouch certainly looks similar to a single pocket magazine pouch for the Beretta M9, from what others have stated, it was never intended to be one. I have...
Forum: Buck M9 Bayonet Topics 11-23-2011, 12:50 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 2,244
Posted By pwcosol
Well, as I expected, all sorts of "Frankenstein"...

Well, as I expected, all sorts of "Frankenstein" Lancay M9s are now starting to appear on sites like Ebay. Both bayonets & parts from the now defunct company have found their way to M9 entrepreneurs,...
Forum: LanCay M9 Bayonets 11-09-2011, 11:42 AM
Replies: 25
Views: 23,833
Posted By pwcosol
Based on how quickly the one Simpson had sold...

Based on how quickly the one Simpson had sold (and at more than double the starting price on NumberoneGI's), I will be interested to see where this auction goes. Again, I think the "word is out" on...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 11-09-2011, 11:32 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,407
Posted By pwcosol
Carlo: I think you must be correct if they got...

I think you must be correct if they got the full asking price. Probably on "lay-away" until Christmas, 2015...
Forum: Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics 11-07-2011, 05:31 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 2,407
Posted By pwcosol
Colin: It seems the LanCays are beginning to find...

Colin: It seems the LanCays are beginning to find a following. Perhaps those with an interest in the MPBS M9 already have a few Phrobis pieces, and are now turning their attention to the numerous...
Forum: General M9 Bayonet Topics 11-01-2011, 08:01 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 4,765
Posted By pwcosol
And, based on the condition, a very reasonable...

And, based on the condition, a very reasonable buy as well.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 161

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