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rsilvers 05-03-2011 11:43 AM

It will be a lot less confusing to new people if you just use the proper name, 300 AAC BLACKOUT or 300 BLK. Or if you mean specifically 300 Whisper(R) then that is fine also.

Titleiiredneck 05-03-2011 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by rsilvers (Post 28786)
It will be a lot less confusing to new people if you just use the proper name, 300 AAC BLACKOUT or 300 BLK. Or if you mean specifically 300 Whisper(R) then that is fine also.

Blah I think 300/WTFever is perfect.

LouBoyd 05-03-2011 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by rsilvers (Post 28783)
3200 fps with 16 inch barrel and 55 grain bullet and sabot.

I have no doubt you achieved that velocity. A Quickload calculation says it takes a chamber pressure of about 65000 psi to do it. Accurate #7 was Quickloads powder choice. Could you tell is the details of your 3200 fps load?
Projectile weight (bullet +sabot)
Seating depth of the sabot. (to give chamber capacity)
Powder type and weight.

What do YOU consider a maximum working presssure for the 300 BLK in a Rem 700 action? I would not expect 65000 psi to cause damage considering much larger cartidges have that as their SAAMI max presssure. Is there anyting about the 300 BLK to argue against that other then the chance of the cartridge ending up being shot in weaker firearm.

rsilvers 05-03-2011 01:06 PM

All of our guns including ARs are shot with 72,000 psi proof rounds.

I don't intentionally load past 55,000 psi for normal use.

SwampF0X 05-11-2011 09:52 PM

Do they make those sabbets for 6mm bullets?


rsilvers 05-11-2011 10:42 PM

No. You can get 50 to 30 cal sabots though.

Titleiiredneck 05-12-2011 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by SwampF0X (Post 28956)
Do they make those sabbets for 6mm bullets?


Do you mean .30 cal sabots that use 6mm bullets or 6mm sabot casings for smaller projectiles?

SwampF0X 05-12-2011 05:47 PM

30 cal sabots that use 6mm bullets. If this were possible, I could get some pretty good speed from the 300 blackout and be able to reach out a bit further and still be legal for deer hunting.


i8asquirrel 05-12-2011 06:18 PM

Not sure I'm tracking with some of this. If your gonna fire a sabot round in the 300Blk out why not just build a 221 Fb and use it or shoot the 5.56? I went through this to be able to get .308 round down range stealthfully.:grin:

SwampF0X 05-12-2011 07:09 PM

I will use my 300wtf primarily as a stealth deer hunter. BUT, it would be nice to send a (deer) bullet down range from the same rifle at 308 speeds. A saboted 6mm in the 300wtf case may do that. I know the 300wtf can be loaded supersonic but it's top speed would be around 2300fps. With a sabot and smaller bullet you can get greater velocity say around 2600fps -2800fps. This new cartridge from Spook will accomplish this task without using a sabot...................Even better.


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