Fri June 6, 2008 2:12pm
Japanese M9
Standard M9 (top), Japanese M9 (middle), Phrobis CUK (bottom). Chinese manufactured M9 bayonet with a shorter blade, made specifically for commercial sales in Japan.

Fri June 6, 2008 2:12pm
Japanese M9
Chinese manufactured M9 bayonet with a shorter blade, made specifically for commercial sales in Japan.

Fri June 6, 2008 2:12pm
Japanese M9
Wooden box that the bayonet came in. Chinese manufactured M9 bayonet with a shorter blade, made specifically for commercial sales in Japan.

Fri June 6, 2008 2:12pm
Japanese M9
Blade marking. This is NOT a Phrobis manufactured piece. Chinese manufactured M9 bayonet with a shorter blade, made specifically for commercial sales in Japan.