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Old 10-30-2011, 08:54 PM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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Range results, 8" &16", RE7, LilGun, Blue Dot, AA9, SR4759, & AA1680

All shot with the can on, 52 degrees, 65% humidity:

16" Noveske factory upper, carbine buffer spring, H buffer:

AA 1680....
10.3 grains, Hornady 225, 2.120"
1100.6 fps 10 shot average, ejected but didn't fully strip next round

10.6 grains, Hornady 225, 2.120"
1124 fps 24 shot average, these were the first rounds through the new upper. Accuracy at 100 was fairly good, putting all 24 shots into 1.25". The first 13 didn't cycle, but since I was breaking in the barrel as I went, I scrubbed the bolt and chamber. After that, it started cycling for about 5 shots, then went back to ejecting without stripping a new round.

11.2grains, Sierra 240 SMK, 2.120"
1115 fps 3 shot average, cycled the action

9.6 grains, 1182 fps 3 shot average, did not cycle or eject.

8.5" Pacnor, pistol port, pistol buffer spring with H buffer, Hornady 225, 2.120" for all shots below:

8.9 grains, 1041 fps 3 shot average, did not cycle or eject

9.3 grains, 1073 fps 3 shot average, did not cycle or eject

Reloader 7....
9.0 grains, 855fps 3 shot average, didn't cycle or eject
9.5 grains, 889 fps 3 shot average, didn't cycle or eject
10.0 grains, 915 fps 3 shot avg, didn't cycle or eject
10.5 grains, 876.......ejected, but didn't cycle.
When I looked down on the bench, there was unburn powder from each of these loads. I'll try it in the 16" again to see if I get better burn rates.

Lil Gun.....none cycled or ejected
8.2 grains, 1005 fps 3 shot average,
8.4 grains, 1055 fps 3 shot average
8.8 grains, 1061 fps 3 shot averave

Blue Dot, 190 Hornady Soft points.....TOO HOT
6.5 grains, 960 fps 3 shot average, primers looked like they were about to pierce so I didn't shoot the 6.7 or 7.0 grain loads. I may try it again with lighter bullets.

AA9......none cycled or ejected
8.2 grains, 988 fps 3 shot average
8.5 grains, 1012 fps 3 shot average

SR 4759......none cycled or ejected
9.0 grains, 985 fps 3 shot average
9.5 grains, 1006 fps 3 shot average
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Old 10-30-2011, 10:35 PM
sgms18 sgms18 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 95
Wow! thats alot of cycling probs w/alot of different loads. What size are your gas ports? The port on my 7in gun is 1.5in closer than pistol and is .125. It runs 220 prohunters over 9gr of VVN110, 180 speers over 8.5gr of VVN110 or 1680, and 240 Outlaws over 10gr of VVN110 just fine.
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Old 10-30-2011, 10:39 PM
sgms18 sgms18 is offline
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Posts: 95
By the way, all the loads I listed are subsonic. I shot some 150s one time but they went super. Cycled though.

Last edited by sgms18; 10-30-2011 at 10:42 PM.
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Old 10-31-2011, 08:46 AM
rumlover rumlover is offline
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I'm not sure of the port size, it's one of Spook's builds though. I think I'll switch back to the lighter buffer spring , but use the 6.5oz buffer. Unfortunately, I have to drive an hour away to chrony load. I genuinaly hate living in communist controlled NVA territory. Even the NRA HQ range is problematic.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:36 PM
sgms18 sgms18 is offline
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I hate it for ya man. Load up and move out, don't know where you live but there are still a few good places left that communist AKA democrats haven't got to yet. I am using an A2 stock w/rifle spring and buffer. Spook made my bbl as well.
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Old 10-31-2011, 07:14 PM
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Alleycat Alleycat is offline
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Noveske states on their web page that their Blackout barrels will not cycle subs without a suppressor. You may need to open up the gas port a bit.

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