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Old 12-08-2005, 01:49 PM
KillJoy149 KillJoy149 is offline
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Okay boys and girls.....now you got me wanting one!

Since joining the forum, I see a lot of posts about the Buck 184s and M9s.

Seeing these daily has kinda made me want to get one. My use would be some outdoor use and the look at my knife occasion.

I do not want a wall-hanger or a safe-queen.

I would like something that is solid in construction and that will hold and edge, and not snal if something needs pryed apart.

So, what should I be looking for? A 184, or a Phrobis, or a ???

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Old 12-08-2005, 03:04 PM
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Quarterbore Quarterbore is offline
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The Buck-184 knives are really nice and robst beyond belief but the prices that they sell for is just too much for me to justify using them anymore. I have three or four Buck-184s and I used to use one as a Camp knife before prices when so crazy.

The M9 Bayonet is a great knife in it's own light but the newer Lancay and Ontario M9s tend to be a real bugger to sharpen. The older Buck and Phrobis blades tend to be easier to sharpen and they tend to hold an edge better. Here again, the genuine Buck and Phrobis M9 bayonets are pretty expensive but most any Buch or Phrobis M9 will be a better "knife" then the later M9s. Now, there are exceptions...

I have a few M9 Bayonets in my small collection but I do not use any of my USGI or Buck M9s anymore either... I have a cheaper Taiwan made bayonet that works as a camp knife just fine and it is MUCH cheaper...

Here is one example of an aftermarket M9 (Not USGI) that combines the features of the M9 Bayonet and the Buchmaster. Mine is more like a typical M9 and it was made in China but for $70 or less these are knives that I can split wood with, toss around, or lose and I will not get too upset if I damage it.
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