The Yugoslavian AK. I got a little carried away though. Instead of one, I did three.

A couple months back I bought a pile of Yugoslavian underfolder kits - about eight I think - and I built one, but not until I built that first blank into a Yugo fixed-stock kit I had.
It worked so well I took a spare front end I had from a $50 "missing parts" Romanian G kit I had in a bucket with a bunch of other parts, and built it onto a receiver flat and an underfolder stock from a Hungarian kit. After weeks of testing and fitting, I finally decided it was finished, and last weekend I blued it in my backyard using the ammonium nitrate recipe.
Well I was so pleased with those two that I went back to that pile of Yugo underfolder kits, and did one on a Cold Steel Solutions blank. Those make tough builds, since the axis pin holes have to really line up well. It came out OK though, and I guess I'll be bluing it in a couple weeks too.
Somewhere in there I built up a Bulgarian AK74 kit I had laying on a shelf, but I'm still having fun "testing" it, and I haven't had time to photograph it. The AK74 is an amazing rifle, and it's really accurate. Very little bullet drop. When I get a chance I'll photograph it, and I'll put up the images, but for now I'm having too much fun SHOOTING IT!
So Hauser, how're you holding up these days?