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Old 03-20-2011, 06:04 PM
snipecatcher snipecatcher is offline
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Super/Subsonic experiment

I wanted to know whether the sound of the rifle or the sound of the bullet striking would be louder, and just how loud the muzzle blast is from a distance. I had my brother shoot (1) each of a subsonic 208 A-max, and a supersonic 150 Sierra Pro-hunter within a few feet of me and into a tree. Yes, I know some will say "You had him shoot at you!" BUT I was behind a 3.5' thick pecan tree and only one round was loaded at a time. I was completely protected behind the tree. This test was conducted with my 10" 300 BLK w/ 308 suppressor.

With the subsonics, I could clearly hear the sound of the shot, and it was louder than the sound of the bullet striking the tree 40 yards in front of me. It was obvious where the shooter was.
With supersonics, my right ear was ringing and that's about all I knew.

The sound of the supersonic crack is greater than the sound of:
A. the rifle
B. the bullet impact

I can now see why people say that sometimes a group of pigs will run TOWARDS them when they shoot. If I did not know where the shooter was, I would have assumed the shot came from my right because that's where the ear ringing sound came from. Despite being louder, supersonics may be better overall for hunting. Thoughts?
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:29 AM
HUNTER2 HUNTER2 is offline
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Had a police sniper shoot a 16.5 barrel TC when I was standing 40 yds away -protected. Shooting into a wooden targer. I don't hear very well, SO, bullet impact was 10 times louder than firing. Have had simular results when shooting deer. Sounds like you take a 2x4 and smack a tree with it. Could tell general direction of firing sub and sup..Have had deer run off a few yards and look around unsure. Hope this helps
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:52 PM
buffetdestroyer buffetdestroyer is offline
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Good post snipecatcher!

I have done similar tests with the .22 suppressed around 40 yards away while I was in a little canyon dip and my buddy shot overhead.

The sound of the impact was louder, but I could just tell the direction of the action noise when I paid attention. My .300 WTF is definitely louder than my .22 suppressed.

I think that by the time the target figures out that it is being shot at, it will be too late. With multiple targets in the immediate area, I think the combination of either the impact or shot noise (or crack) will typically be enough to scare the others away if they are skittish. I have also heard that coyotes will often run towards you when firing supersonic loads because the closest tangent point is where the crack sounds like it comes from.

Still, the element of surprise and the fact that it sounds like a staple gun rather than a gunshot is good enough to not alert other potential targets outside the immediate area that anything is going on.
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