Previously from ;now I don't see it listed on their page anymore:
Existing AR magazines have a rib which normally contacts the 5.56mm case-neck. With 300 BLK ammo, the contact is on the bullet. Because the bullet is a larger diameter, the rib will push the cartridges out of alignment, and can lead to binding potentially resulting in Failures to Feed. For this reason, it is important to load ammunition so that the contact point with the magazine rib is on the bullet ogive in an area of about 0.250 inch diameter. Here are some suggested OAL for popular bullets:
� Hornady 110 V-Max, OAL: 2.000
� Barnes 110 TSX, 2.015 OAL
� Sierra 155 Palma, 2.150 OAL
� Sierra 220, 2.089 OAL
� Lapua B416 200 grain, 1.960 OAL
� Hornady 150 FMJ-BT 3037, 2.065 OAL
� Nosler Ballistic Tip 125 grain, OAL: 2.085
� Remington AccuTip 125 grain, OAL: 2.085
� Hornady 130 SP #3020, OAL: 2.010
� Sierra H2120 125 ProHunter, OAL: 1.950
� Speer TNT 125 1986, OAL: 2.010