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Old 08-16-2010, 06:06 PM
buffetdestroyer buffetdestroyer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 74
Speer TNT 125 grain Supersonic - Good hunting bullet?

I saw that someone voted in rsilvers' poll for the Speer TNT hollowpoint 125.

I bought some of the Nosler 125's for supersonic shooting, but the Speers are about $12/100 cheaper if bought in bulk.

I am looking for something good on Mule/Whitetail sized game that won't over-penetrate and instantly knocks them down if hit in the vital zone.

Before dropping any more money on lots of bullets, I wanted to see what others' experiences were with the Speer TNT's.
Squirting Xxx

Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 03-18-2011 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 08-16-2010, 07:03 PM
martineta martineta is offline
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125 Noslers

I can't speak to the Speer TNT's but have shot loads of whitetails in VA with the 125 Nosler Ballistic tips. Heart shots = they fall over dead or run 10 yards. Lung shots kill but have had them run with lots of blood loose maximun 100 yards or so. I am sticking with the Noslers
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Old 08-16-2010, 07:46 PM
buffetdestroyer buffetdestroyer is offline
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Location: Reno, Nevada
Posts: 74
I understand that the Noslers have set the standard.

However, I am interested in how "explosive" the TNT bullets are, as I can go Coyote shooting regularly and would like to keep the same zero for deer without worrying about unnecessarily wounding that deer. (and, Yes, I know that shot placement is key - I don't take unnecessary shots).

I am looking at investing in about 500 bullets to load them all once to have a stockpile for practice and hunting. Unfortunately with Noslers I am stuck buying them 50 at a time.

I am using VV N110, which isn't available to buy regularly locally, so I want to have an accurate load on hand for impromptu range days and hunting trips without having to switch powders and redevelop a load due to lack of powder availability.
Buy Magic Flight Launch Box

Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 03-18-2011 at 10:39 PM.
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