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Old 07-09-2010, 04:00 PM
Flewis Flewis is offline
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Wow, great accuracy improvement!

I just tried something that worked out pretty well.

This is on a J&T 300-321 16" upper. I was getting about 2" groups or so out of it at 100 yards with subsonics (Hornady 208 AMaxes and SMK 220s).

I've been meaning to try lapping the bore to see if I could improve that.

I finally got around to trying something. I bought one of the 30 caliber FinalFinish kits. It comes with 50 175gr bullets, 10 bullets in each grit compound.

I loaded them up with 13gr of AA1680 and followed the instructions (clean well between each 10 rounds). After firing the 50th round I gave it a good cleaning and started firing the load that it seems to like best: 11.0gr of AA1680 and a 208gr AMax at 2.170 OAL. I'm getting just under 1100 fps with that load.

Check out the before and after (same 208 AMax load, suppressed):

That is two rounds at the bottom of the X and five in each of the groups adjacent to the dime.

Saying that I'm extremely pleased would be an understatement. I was about to give up on getting a 300-221 to shoot decent groups with subsonic ammo.

The bore is almost a mirror polish now. It was grey before and I'm wondering if some remnant of the parkerizing process is making it into the barrels during production. This is the fourth cheapie 300-221 that I've run into that wouldn't group well at 100 yards w/subs.

I may run the same process on a .308 Savage Scout rifle that doesn't want to shoot under two inches at 100.
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Old 07-09-2010, 07:01 PM
buffetdestroyer buffetdestroyer is offline
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That's great to see! Thanks for sharing.

I saw a review in one of the recent gun mags that I read, but wasn't sure if that was completely "unbiased".

Good to know about this for factory barrels as I have been considering a Savage with the new Accustock but the new ones don't have the same barrel nut to allow quick change to a custom barrel.
Baby Mac

Last edited by buffetdestroyer; 03-18-2011 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 07-09-2010, 07:40 PM
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Old 07-10-2010, 12:04 AM
i8asquirrel i8asquirrel is offline
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I used the finall finish bullets in my favorite 22lr and cut the groups in half I think its one hell of a product, I have hand lapped barrels with valve grind past and a patch jag on a cleaning rod.......this is much less work
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