Supersonic or subsonic for hunting?
I am looking at the .300 whisper and some other options for a hunting rifle that is quiet enough to shoot without hearing protection. I will be shooting mostly at hogs, exotics and goats. Ranges will typically be inside 100 yards, but I'd like to be able to shoot out to 200 or more yards as well.
I want a gun that I can shoot from the truck without ear protection. Quieter is better, but I don't really care so long as I can shoot without fear of ear damage to myself or anyone else around me who isn't wearing ear protection.
It seems like a suppressed .300 Whisper would have ballistics similar to a 30-30 with supersonic ammo, which is about perfect for my needs...But would this be quiet enough to shoot without ear protection in an AR platform?
What is the trajectory like on the subsonic rounds? Where do you usually sight them in and then how high is the hold at different distances?