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Old 12-30-2008, 09:41 PM
cav_scout_tj cav_scout_tj is offline
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Cammenga ez mag and 300 whisper

In these days of hi-cap mag's eventual uncertainty, I got my self a Cammenga ez mag. They run about $30, which was high, but lately I have seen P-mags going for that, so what the hey? I dont know about you guys, but while I can get 30 rounds of 300 whisper in a Pmag, its kind of a pain; they rounds get sluggish as it nears full, and it just does not inspire confidence.

A 20 round EZ mag was announced a couple days ago:

I watched the EZ mag videos and was impressed, and it seemed like 300 would be a great match. Before I bought one, I emailed customer service at cammenga.com, asking about 300 whisper usage with the mag. I was told by John Cammenga that since the mags actually allow a longer max overall length, they should work great.

Cammenga Website, w' videos and such

I took this pic showing the a tan Pmag, a GI alum, and the EZ mag:

You can see how the EZ has one less layer of metal. My rounds are Hornady 208 grain A-max, subsonic, length of 2.25"-- which is as long as I can go in the pmags. The EZ mag should allow 2.30" easy.

The EZ mag is a little longer than a GI mag, shown on the bottom here:

Loading is very easy, pull the front of the mag down like so:

You have easy access to the mag:

Drop the rounds in, 2 at a time works best:

Till its full:

Then push the front part back up:

Then you are ready to rock and roll. The follower stays locked down until fully closed.

Also, you can unload the mag by retracting the front and dumping it.

I shot all 30 rounds pretty rapidly yesterday, and it functions with out a hitch. I really like this mag for 300, and its going to be my primary mag. I will get another one, maybe a 20, next time I order something. If loading 30 rounds into your mags is a PITA, give the EZ mag a look.

These mags are still available, probably due to the higher price. I got mine at Rainier Arms

Last edited by cav_scout_tj; 12-30-2008 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 12-31-2008, 01:24 AM
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Thanks for the review, I had wondered how well those worked.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:17 PM
interceptor interceptor is offline
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I've had one of the 30 round EZmags for over a year now, used a few times for .223 at the range. I've honestly never given a thought to using it for .300, thanks for the idea.
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by interceptor View Post
I've had one of the 30 round EZmags for over a year now, used a few times for .223 at the range. I've honestly never given a thought to using it for .300, thanks for the idea.
+1, I bought one as whim for trying in 223, I use 20 round UGSI for my whisper so now I'll throw it in my whisper kit and try it there.
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Old 01-02-2009, 07:59 PM
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Is there more clearance for the bullet at the front indent on the mag?

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