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Old 01-03-2009, 09:15 AM
Fudmottin Fudmottin is offline
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Shopping For Dies

Based on the recommendation of this page:


I'm looking at the following dies at Midway USA:


If I need to form my own brass, what else shall I need? I would be using either fired or unfired .223/5.56 brass.

Also, what are good sources of 30-221 brass? I would consider forming my own as something I would rather not do if I can buy it. Ideally I would like to run the brass through the dies just like I do for .223 or any other rifle caliber. I am still using a Rock Chucker. Someday I'll upgrade. But not today.

I don't have the barrel yet (it will be made for an AR upper). So I can have the chamber reamed for the dies rather than the other way around.

Thank you.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:55 PM
dksd39 dksd39 is offline
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you can buy brass from several members as alot of us make our own. When you consider the cost of gear and time needed to make brass from 223 you could easily buy 1k pieces from someone and avoid the process. On the other hand you can buy 221 brass and simply size it up- the brass cost about what you will pay to buy formed 223 brass and you will loose some in the process but it is easier than forming 223 yourself.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:55 PM
JFettig JFettig is offline
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If its for an AR, you only need the 2 die set, odds are that you won't be neck sizing for an autoloader. Midway has this set aswell.
Forming brass isn't that hard, theres not too many good sources of formed brass.

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Old 01-03-2009, 07:07 PM
dksd39 dksd39 is offline
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you are correct- its not hard to make your own brass but it is time consuming. You need a way to cut and trim the donor brass and then dedicate the time for doing the work. You can never have too much- I keep 1k rounds loaded and 2-3k pieces of brass at all times but I shoot more than average.
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:05 PM
Fudmottin Fudmottin is offline
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After receiving an offer for a price list which I am waiting on, I went ahead with my order from Midway since it seemed that those dies would be good for both resizing existing brass for reloading and forming (if I was forced to) new brass.

My specific issue is that I have a basic reloading kit. I do have a trimmer. I can turn down necks. But it is all hand operated and _very_ time consuming. That is why I would rather purchase ready made brass.

Making a few cases would be no problem. But in an AR, bullets are like potato chips. You can't just shoot one.

Another investment I need to make is for a good brass catcher. I've discovered in the past (especially for .45 ACP) that brass is very easy to lose.

My AR will have a custom made barrel and gas block. Not so much because this is a wildcat cartridge. The person I am dealing with made a .223 upper for me using a Douglas air gaged blank. The rifle was always intended to be a good long range shooter.

I'm not looking for anything worse than 0.5 MOA accuracy given no wind so far as I can see the target.

It's a new rifle (I do have a Colt AR-15. But it has the chrome lined military barrel with 1:7 twist and has only fired 55gr FMJ cheap fodder.). So it is untested as far as accuracy. But uppers are like potato chips... LOL

Yeah, a second upper for my lower. Why not? And why not do this for my very first wildcat since the round is so well established and has such a reputation among "those who know"?

My biggest fear is that I will enjoy the 30/221 more than the .223 Rem. One costs more to shoot than the other.

I don't shoot nearly as much as dksd39 does. If I did, I think I would be applying for one of those bailouts. It would cost less than an AIG junket. :-/
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Old 01-03-2009, 09:07 PM
dksd39 dksd39 is offline
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I use a dillon 1200 trimmer along with a trim die from ch4d- http://www.ch4d.com/
Are you intending to shoot sub or supersonic?
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Old 01-04-2009, 12:35 PM
Fudmottin Fudmottin is offline
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Primarily subsonic. I've got a small number of 220 SMKs and I ordered some 240 SMKs. I did notice Redding also had a trim die that I did not order. It's not a die I know what to do with in my Rock Chucker.

I do have a hand operated case trimmer and deburring tool. I don't think they are intended to perform the level of cutting required to shorten a .223 case to the trim to length after forming a whisper neck.

I will keep my options open for supersonic though. I will have a three way gas block.
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Old 01-08-2009, 12:07 AM
Medic650 Medic650 is offline
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Originally Posted by dksd39 View Post
I use a dillon 1200 trimmer along with a trim die from ch4d- http://www.ch4d.com/
Are you intending to shoot sub or supersonic?

Are using a Dillon press? Do you have any pictures? I started using a Dillon 308 Win. die. After shortening the die and getting everything adjusted right, there is barely enough room for the vacume attatchment. I was wandering if the CH die works better. I ordered a die for the Dillon 1200 trimmer from CH but, they told me it would be 5 months to get one.
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:11 PM
mooster1223 mooster1223 is offline
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Originally Posted by Fudmottin View Post
Also, what are good sources of 30-221 brass? I would consider forming my own as something I would rather not do if I can buy it.
Give Dave a call. His # is listed on his add. http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/vb...hp?do=ad&id=52

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