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Old 04-24-2007, 11:26 PM
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Wow, that 500-bullet box is HUGE (Sierra 240 HPBTs)

I have been stockpiling a number of my reloading components and I am late putting away a sizeable supply of 240s for the 300 Whisper but I was on Midway's site this past week and noticed they only had one of the 500-packs in stock so I bought it...

Well, the box was a whole lot bigger and heavier then I expected but now I have a supply of these missles that will last me a LONG time! Everybody has the 220 HPBTs in stock but the 240s seem to be a little harder to find these days...

Last edited by Quarterbore; 04-25-2007 at 08:40 AM.
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Old 04-25-2007, 12:38 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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good bye 240 gr

I just got that new 2007 Sierra bullet catalogue. The 240 gr bullets are not listed in the 2007 catalogue. It looks like they dropped the 240 gr bullets.

If this is the case, the heaviest bullet from Sierra will be the 220 MatchKings

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Old 04-25-2007, 08:40 AM
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That is not good news... I looked and the box I ordered must be 500-bullets and Miday has two back in stock:


They must have more then a few of the 50-bullet boxes:


Last edited by Quarterbore; 04-25-2007 at 08:42 AM.
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Old 04-25-2007, 09:46 PM
pug pug is offline
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240 SMKs

I think they moved them under their specialty bullet heading for 2007 because I still see them there.
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Old 04-28-2007, 06:42 PM
RWBlue RWBlue is offline
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What is your load for the 240gr 300-221?

I assume your load is subsonic?
Will it function in an AR?
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Old 04-29-2007, 01:08 AM
pug pug is offline
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For me I used up a partial box early on and found they didn't stabilize completely in my AR-15 so went with something lighter. Primarily using 180s now for both subsonic and supersonic until I make a faster twist barrel.
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:02 PM
320pf 320pf is offline
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I agree with you, 180 gr bullets are pretty good all-around bullets for the 300. I am going to work up some loads for 165 and 168 gr bullets next.

What loads are you using for your 180 gr bullets. I am using 16.4 gr of W296 and getting 1830 fps out of a 16 in. Olymp. Arms barrel. My subsonic load is 8.5 of AA#9 for about 1050 fps.


Last edited by 320pf; 04-29-2007 at 07:05 PM.
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Old 04-30-2007, 12:34 AM
pug pug is offline
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Are you still using the 180 SGKs for your loads? I will have to say that 180 load on RN using LIL'GUN gave me a pause when I examined the brass but pressure signs dropped when I switched to the round nose which has a little less drag coefficient. My most accurate 180 load is Speer 180gr RNSP set to 2.225 over 16.5 gr N110. I am currently working hunting loads for knock down power and that one has a trajectory of 1.5" out to 100 yds. delivering 1500 fps at 1000 ft-lbs at that distance. Muzzle velocity is right at 1800 fps. I have been much higher with lil'gun and the 180 RN but the brass takes a beating in the AR-15 with its chamber cut to "automatic" type specs.
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Old 04-30-2007, 02:04 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Yes I am still using 180 gr SGKs. My 180 SGK W296 load is very consistent. I typically get standard deviations of 10 fps or less and better than 1 in groups at 100 yrds. I have not tried a rapid fire test with the 180 gr loads (basically a 30 round mag dump). In some of the competitions that I shoot a stage will require a shooter to shoot 15 to 20 targets two hits each (30 to 40 rounds) in about 30 to 40 sec. On some of my other loads that I have tried, I have noticed that in the rapid fire mode the cycle rate on an AR15 can increase a bit as the gun warms up and the gun will try and eject a round too early and tear the rim off and leave the spent round in the chamber. This really can ruin your day at a shooting match. I think this problem is mostly a due to the gas port being in the pistol position and the port being too large. For this reason, I am probably going to back off from 16.4 gr to 16.0 16.2 gr of W296 a bit and try to get ~1800 fps.

Also, I am a bit disappointed in the lot-to-lot variation is some of these powders. I got a new can of Lil'Gun and reworked the loads. Basically this new batch is a lot hotter. I got to 15.8 gr of Lil'Gun behind the 180GMK and get about 1880 fps. But I think it is a bit too close to the ragged edge. I am also going drop this load back to about 1800 fps and see which to the two loads gives me the best overall performance (low pressure indicators and good groups etc...).

Your info in the round nose bullets is interesting. Again some of the stages that I shoot have targets out to 150 to 300 yrds... I would think that the round nose bullets might have too much drop.

On a different but somewhat related note. If my memory is correct you are shooting a 16 in Olympic Arms barrel with the gas port in the pistol position. Is that correct?

I have a new Noveske 16 in. barrel. On the Noveske barrel gas port is 0.5 further down the barrel toward the muzzle than the Olympic Arms barrel. Also the gas port on the Noveske barrel is 0.071 in. in diameter compared to 0.080 in for the Olympic barrel. The Noveske sure shoots well. The bolt seems to cycle a bit softer and the brass was not getting flung as hard and far as my Olympic Arms barrel. I still have to try some subsonic loads out on this barrel/gas port configuration.

I think that for full power super sonic loads the gas port in the carbine position will run better. So I have a second Olympic Arms barrel and I drilled a new gas port in the carbine position last night. I am waiting for a carbine length gas tube and and gas block that I can use to close off the gas port in the pistol position. I will let you know how my experiment works.


Last edited by 320pf; 04-30-2007 at 02:10 AM.
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Old 04-30-2007, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by RWBlue
What is your load for the 240gr 300-221?

I assume your load is subsonic?
Will it function in an AR?
I don't have one yet

Up to this year, all of my 300 Whispers are non-semiauto:

AR-15 Bolt Action Pistol in 300 Whipser
T/C Contender Pistol (Note - this will never shoot subsonics well b/c of twist)
Rem 700 LTR Clone 1:8 twist

About a month or more ago I just added a J&T 300 Whipser upper with the 1:8 twist so now I need to work up a semiauto AND fullauto capable load!

I plan to get an adaptor to allow me to use my Fisher UZI supressor (9mm cans will work with the 300 whipser) along with the Lightning Link) to allow me the option of full auto subsonic 300 Whisper loads.

Eventually, I want to get a Gem-Tech HRT but darned .gov folks are making me spend money on more Evil Black Rifles that I think are at a bigger risk of being banned again...
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