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Old 03-01-2007, 10:48 PM
Bulletsmith Bulletsmith is offline
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aluminum tipped subsonic bullets

A question for all

Over the last month I have been getting tooling to put aluminum uld tips on alot of long range bullets including 338,308 and 7mm's.A thought has occured to me,with a slight change in design,the aluminum tip could act as a wedge in a subsonic round,causing massive expansion.There are 2 area's in which I have concern
1) overall length.The tip is 1.0550 inches long with approx .500 extending down into a hollow cavity made for the shank section.The overall length will be increased by .550,which is the length of the tip above the jacket mouth.
Useing a 1.4" jacket(shorter is possible) will result in a 1.9" approx long bullet.
It will have a uld design,if the bullet has reliable expansion can it be used because of it's extreme length

2) on fragile j-4's where the bullet pretty well comes apart,the aluminum tip which weighs approx. 22 grns will not even be distorted by that velocity. It will continue to penatrate somewhat, after expanding the bullet,tumbling I'm sure. Will it be a problem???
any input will be appreciated,I am a rooky on this slow stuff and need some coaching

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Old 03-02-2007, 01:24 AM
pug pug is offline
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You know way more about bullets than I do for sure. The subsonic bullets I have recovered over the years have shown very little expansion and the sharper the nose the less it was. The jackets are too thick and the nose cavity isn't broad enough hence I hollowpoint my own. I am not sure there is enough energy to make the aluminum wedge function as desired especially if its a spire point but you have more insight into bullet design than me so whichever way you are leaning is probably right. I haven't shot anything as heavy as you are talking about yet but 1.9" sounds a little long for the 2.260" max OAL needed for the ARs but I'm sure one of the other guys can give you a better comparison if they are shooting 240gr SMKs.
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Old 03-02-2007, 11:09 AM
Bulletsmith Bulletsmith is offline
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thanks for the input,it is what is needed.I believe if the jacket is full length serreated,any slight movment of the tip will rupture the jacket.To put a tip into the bullet,you have a punch that make a hollow cavity down into the core,the depth can be controled,but to make this work ,I will try about .5" into the core and about a quarter inch in diameter.Instead of having a shoulder on the tip where the jacket tucks into,machine the tip almost cylinder on the shank section,upon impact,with the massive cavity under the shank area,the tip will be forced with very little pressure into this area and will rupture the serrreated jacket. It's a heck of a lot easier to make a bullet not to expand!!!!!! I guess time will tell if this will work or not.
have a good one

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Old 07-02-2007, 05:35 AM
jdyahoo jdyahoo is offline
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One thing to be aware of is introducing instability in the bullet. Moving the nose forward farther forward of the center of gravity will require a faster rate of twist. Since a subsonic bullet of this weight range already requires a 1 in 8" twist, you may not have much (any) leeway.

Edit: Here is about as clear an explanation as I have seen: http://www.horusvision.com/davis_art-8.shtml

Last edited by jdyahoo; 07-02-2007 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 07-08-2007, 07:31 PM
RWBlue RWBlue is offline
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I have been shooting 220gr and 240gr Sierra Match King rounds into Corbin gel. For the most part I have been shooting these at subsonic speeds. The gel catches them intact. They don't bend. They don't shroom.

As for your bullet, 1.9" approx long bullet is HUGE. The Sierra Match King is 1.6" long. I don't think that will work for me and my AR.

The ballistic tip works well on supersonic bullets, but I thinking that a pre-cut jacket are the way to go for subsonic bullets. I am not wanting a shroom, I am wanting fragmentation.
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