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Old 05-22-2006, 07:35 AM
Hardegg Hardegg is offline
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SMK vs RN (pics)

This isn't very scientific but I found it interesting and thought some of you might as well.
I finally got around to loading some Hornady 220 gr interlocks to try in my AR15 300/221
I loaded them subsonic and went to chronograph them, But I also compared penetration on an old Iron at 25 yrds
The bottom hole is 220 Gr Sierra Match King, Most of the bullet didn't even penetrate the base only appears the core did. It left about a .22 cal size hole with a very small exit hole.

The next hole up (in the middle) is the 220 gr Hornady interlock, nice 30 cal hole and the bullet deffinatly expanded inside of the iron. If you look real close you still probably can't see the small exit hole from the SMK on the back picture.

I am going to try these at 100 yrds next time out for accuracy. They functioned fine in my.

Oh BTW the top hole is from my buddies .475 pistol
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Old 05-22-2006, 11:46 AM
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Interesting but something we might have expected as that round nose is going to open up pretty quick... I would be curious what the performance would have been like on something like a groundhog or something more tissue like...

Just the same, thanks for sharing the pics! I personally hate ironing too but I think my wife would not be happy if I took her iron to the range
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Old 07-27-2006, 11:40 AM
ross_76102 ross_76102 is offline
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Hornady 220 RN

I've done some testing with the 220 RN, they shoot very accurate in my Rem 700 1in8 twist. However, these bullets where built for big game hunting and have a very thick jacket which make them difficult to open up at subsonic speeds on soft tissue. Has anybody looked at CORBIN's bullet making dies?
check this out, looks like the ticket to me.

New Subsonic .30 Bullet Swage Kit http://www.corbins.com/used.htm

Complete package to manufacture .308 caliber subsonic bullets for the 300 Whisper. Build 240 grain or lighter hollow point, serrated jacket, saber tooth flat base bullets that open quickly at low velocity, for excellent game-getting performance. Package includes:
FJFB-3-S .308 1-E die set
SDD-2-S serrate/draw die
PUNCH-SC .308 saber tooth CS int.
J-30-125 VB jackets, carton of 1,300
LW-10 lead wire, .247 diameter
PCS-1 core cutter .247
CSL-2 swage lube
CSP-1 S-Press
Complete package $1366, immediate delivery.

Contact Corbin at 541-826-5211 Mon-Thurs, or e-mail Dave@Corbins.com


Also read about their subsonic designed .308 bullets here

see picture
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Old 07-27-2006, 11:59 PM
Bigfoot Bigfoot is offline
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Looks perfect, except for that price.

From the link,

"To further enhance expansion, a thin jacket wall is used and the jacket may be serrated (cut along its axis with four to six thin grooves) to provide evenly weakened lines along which the bullet can peel back."

If the jacket was serrated on only one side, would it initiate tumbling or instead deviate the bullets path?
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Old 08-20-2006, 07:49 AM
Greywuuf Greywuuf is offline
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How much interest is there in this?

I am federally licensed to make and sell ammunition/components and I have most of the equipment Listed. It would however require several hundred dollars of initial outlay for me to get the "round nose" forming die and the serator punch. how much are you actually willing to pay for custom bullets? and how many would you buy ? I am more than willing to make them available, but it is not something I have a huge amount of use for and I would like to be able to sell enough to actually recover my cost. If enough people PM me it could certainly be worked out. I personally think you guys are missing out by not using a rebted boat tail design.
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Old 10-02-2006, 04:55 AM
HHI 812 HHI 812 is offline
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Greywuuf you get much interest

in 308 subsonic bullets? Thinking about getting a 300 Whisper again.
e-mail at dennis.madriaga@gmail.com
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Old 10-05-2006, 03:17 AM
Scollins Scollins is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigfoot
Looks perfect, except for that price.
Late in the game on this one...

Yes, it is $1,366 for the kit, but let's see what it would take to break even.

The Kit includes enough materials to make 1,300 bullets (assumption on the lead core portion.) He sells 250 jackets for $24 and a 70,000 grain spool of lead for $24. So, 1,300 jackets would be $24x5 (close enough) = $120 and the lead would be $24x5(close enough) = $120. So that is $240 per 1,250 rounds, or 19.2¢/round. If we subtract the $240 from the kit cost, we have $1,126 as a fixed cost to recoup.

I currently buy 240 grain SMKs for about 40¢/each. With this kit, I'd be saving 20¢/bullet. To break even, I'd have to make 5,630 bullets. That's a lot of bullets. I blaze through that much 5.56 ammo in less than a year, but I don't shoot the 300x221 at nearly the same amount. Mostly because it costs about $15 per magazine of 30, versus $5 for a 30 round mag of 5.56.
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Old 10-22-2006, 12:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Scollins
I currently buy 240 grain SMKs for about 40¢/each. With this kit, I'd be saving 20¢/bullet. To break even, I'd have to make 5,630 bullets. That's a lot of bullets. I blaze through that much 5.56 ammo in less than a year, but I don't shoot the 300x221 at nearly the same amount. Mostly because it costs about $15 per magazine of 30, versus $5 for a 30 round mag of 5.56.
But I'd bet your not hunting animals with that 5k+ 5.56, if you want a better bullet for hunting animals the extra cost per bullet to have one that sails flatter and expands reliably is well worth the cost - for quiet paper punching with out great expense the pulled 30 cal 147 grn FMJ's work great.
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Old 11-25-2006, 08:40 AM
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Thumbs up Omg

OMG You took an IRON to the range and shot it with a subsonic rifle. Thats friggin awesome!!!



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Old 12-10-2006, 10:51 PM
Oldmanpaintball Oldmanpaintball is offline
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Anyone tried using hardcast bullets?

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