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Old 03-02-2007, 08:51 PM
cappi cappi is offline
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150 to 200 Yd. Whisper "Deer" bullet

Thinking about reloading a supersonic deer round to cover the 150 to 200 yard distance. Do not think I want to use my 240 grain match bullets. Most likely they will pass completely thru at that distance but not expand at all and punch a small exit hole. I was wondering how the Hornady 155 or 168 grain A Max will perform. I know that at .308 velocities these bullets (especially the 155 gr.) fragment violently. I figure the extra length of these bullets is needed at that distance (reduced velocity ) to gain sufficient penetration and MAY offer some expansion as opposed to the 240 gr. match heavier constructed bullets. Any commemts/experience pro or con ? My twist is 1 in 8 and the barrel length is a 14 inch contender. Yes I am familiar with how well the 125 gr. bullets perform at the "closer" distances.
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Old 03-02-2007, 10:18 PM
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200 yds

Think about a 308
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Old 03-02-2007, 10:41 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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I have shot deer at 75-80 yards with the 240 SMK, it 240 grain doesn't loose much in another 100 yards velocity or energy wise... it does drop some 16" but you should be able to figure that out. All deer I have shot have been with 240 SMK traveling at 1040FPS +/- all have been one shot kills. Who need expansion when you have bullet yawl.
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Old 03-03-2007, 08:13 AM
cappi cappi is offline
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150-200 yd. whisper

In the state of Illinous .308 rifles are NOT allowed for deer hunting. The .30 cal. Whisper round is legal for a handgun. I doubt that rifled shotgun sabot rounds will have the accuracy out at 150-200 yards, that the Whisper has. Certain handguns and shotguns are the only legal firearms that can be used to harvest some of those humongous bucks they have there.
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Old 03-03-2007, 09:55 AM
m21black m21black is offline
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no one said state gaming laws have to make sence when you look at the Commie Anti-American politicians we elect.
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:17 AM
320pf 320pf is offline
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go with 125 to 130 gr


The 125 to 130 grain bullets will all work well out to about 250 yrds. The reason that I suggest the lighter bullets is that they are designed for varmint hunting using high velocity rifles such as 308, 30-06, to the 300 magnums and have thinner jackets so the bullet literally comes apart with it hits the target. At the 300-221 fireball (A.K.A. 300 whisper(r)) velocities these bullets will penetrate and expand like the heavier bullets at 308 etc... velocities.

The 125-130 grain bullets typically have muzzle velocities of about 2100 to 2300 fps @ 1850 ft-lbs of energy. If you sight in for 200 yrd.:

-at midrange the bullet will be about 3.5 in high moving at ~2000 fps with
~1100 ft-lbs energy

-Zeroed at 200, moving at ~1750 fps with
~850 ft-lbs energy

-at 225 the bullet will be 2.5 in. low moving at ~1700 fps with ~800 ft-lbs

-at 250 the bullet will be 6 in. low moving at ~1650 fps with ~750 ft-lbs

This is basically a center mass hold out to 250 yrd.

The typical 0.308 diameter bullets with heavier jackets like the typical 150 grain and above bullets probably will not expand/mushroom as reliably as the light weight varmint bullets

This is my 2 cents, some may disagree but I think the ballistics are basically correct.

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Old 03-03-2007, 10:23 AM
m21black m21black is offline
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I'm with you the 150 grain bullets will not expand and the lower velocities. I have loaded 125 grainer up to 2400 FPS using a 16.25" barrel but have not tried them out on any deer. I prefer the 240 grainers fling subsonic into mr. deer.
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:51 AM
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I like the single shot pistol bullets. I have to be honest that I have not shot a deer with one of these bullets yet but I have seen my father shoot three or four now with these bullets in a 30/30 contender (Pretty much the same ballistics). The bullets open up really nice and I don't think he has had any deer go more then say 25-yards. Now, all of his deer have been shot insite 100-yards and two of them were inside 50-yards so it is hard to say for sure.

I tried to get a part number but I don't see them online. I could swear he has both a Hornady (the one he likes) and a Speer bullet designated as single shot pistol. We have also use the lighter Nosler Ballistic tips and they seemed to shoot well out of my 11-inch 300-Whisper contender but I have not had the chance to try a bullet on a deer yet.

Hope this helps some but I would say use what you gun shoots best but if some of these thinner jacket bullets shoot well I am confident the deer will drop a little quicker.
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Old 03-03-2007, 10:58 AM
m21black m21black is offline
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The one thing that I have noticed with my TC Contender 300 Whisper is that that lighter bullets are not as accurate, 1:8 twist just does stabilize the 240 grainers at 1040 FPS but shoots sub moa at 100 yards, with the 125 grain bullets that I have tried it was hard to get anything better than a 1" at 50 yards. Plenty good for hunting deer at 100 yards. I haven't shot any 125's out of my CZ Whisper todate.
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Old 03-03-2007, 11:24 AM
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Oh yea, I should add that my Contender is a T/C barrel so it has the slower twist barrel (1:11 I think). So, yes, my contender does seem to like the liter bullets then say my AR-15 pistol with the 1:8 twist 11.5-inch barrel.
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