Affordable reloading supplies...
Does anyone have a resource they'd like to share of where they get the heavier hpbt's? I ask, because most of the places around here want an arm and part of a leg for the Sierra 220's, and most want to tell me there is no such thing as a 240. According to Sierra's website, the 240 SMK is like $44 a hundred. What I'd like is to be able to feed the beast something heavy without breaking the bank... Or should I just stick with something like the 180's, 190's and 200's? Would I even be able to tell the difference? One last thing, if I was to go with 180's, would I be able to shoot them both accurately, supersonic and subsonic, out of a 1in 8 twist Model 1 sales upper?
If you're in a fair fight your tactics suck.