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Old 12-11-2006, 01:25 AM
Gelandangan Gelandangan is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20
My New 300 Whisper

My rilfe (24inch 1in 8 MAB on Zastava MiniMauser action) finally arrived last friday... been pins and needles all friday and saturday ( can't sleep saturday night ).
Came Sunday morning, I raced to the range at 7 am.. have to wait till the range open on 9am. Sokay, chatting with other shooters around and showing off my NEW 300 Whisper gun ... receiving a lot of "you'll be sorry about the performance" advices.

Then 9am came. Setup my chrony, target, benchrest, etc takes 30 minutes.
Then the range opens.

I select one cartridge (220 gns woodleigh on 10gns ADI 2205 ) place the cartridge in the action.. pushing the bolt forward.. and push.. and PUSH.. AND PPUUSSHH !!!! can't get the cartridge into the chamber... AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Shame faced , I try to retract the bolt , so I pull.. and I PULL , and after exerting a large force levering on my scope base, I managed to pull the unfired, unchambered cartridge out.

So I packed up and went home.

At home, out came the micrometer and measurement shows that my cartridge (made from 223 brass) has 0.332" neck and the chamber (measured with a lead cast) has 0.333". Theoritically the cartridge should fit cause the chamber is 1 thou larger bore than the cartridge. However, in practice it does not. Why? could it be because the temperature causes the brass to expand? It was 32c in the range last sunday.

Wondering if I should try to crimp the tip of the brass just a bit so it will chamber easier? or should I just try to polish my chamber neck a tad to free it?

Advices welcome.

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