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Old 09-25-2008, 11:23 PM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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ATF Silencer Storage Requirements

Are there any legal requirements for the storage of a Silencer?

Basicly, are there any laws that say I have to keep it in a safe of something along those lines? If so, please reference the law if possible.
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Old 09-26-2008, 09:29 AM
Pitt300 Pitt300 is offline
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Like your web site link.
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Old 10-05-2008, 11:56 PM
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A62Rambler A62Rambler is offline
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Here's the information from the atf nfa booklet.

Storage of NFA Firearms

To avoid unauthorized transfers, registrants must store NFA firearms so that no one else has access to them. Firearms may be stored at locations other than the address on the firearm registration form, such as a safe deposit box. However, unless the registrant is a Federal firearms licensee who has paid the special (occupational) tax to import, manufacture, or deal in NFA firearms, the NFA Branch should be notified in writing of the new storage location.

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Old 10-07-2008, 05:34 AM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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Good info but that appears to be for a firearm. This is considered a Class III "Device" as far as I know....

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Old 10-07-2008, 09:56 AM
Pitt300 Pitt300 is offline
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The key word is "NFA".
That's SBSs, SBRs, suppressors, AOWs, DDs & Machineguns.
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:11 PM
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amafrank amafrank is offline
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Just a few details on terms here might help.

Class 3 is a dealer in NFA firearms not the type of firearms.

Class 2 is a manufacturer of NFA firearms

NFA is the national firearms act of 1934 which defined machineguns, suppressors, short barreled rifles and shotgun and "any other weapons" or AOW's as controlled firearms requiring registration and payment of a tax for their transfer.

Title II is the section of US Code 18 which covers the laws for NFA firearms.

Title I is USC 18 covering non NFA firearms.

GCA is the gun control act of 1968 which further defined a firearm as the receiver or frame thereof and lead to the requirement for registration of DEWATs or Deactivated WAr Trophy's and also added the catagory of Destructive Device to the NFA registration list.

MVA or FOPA refers to the McClure Volkmer Act or Firearm Owners Protection Act and declared that firearms legally held in the owners state of residence could be transported across states that did not allow possession if the destination state allowed them. In other words Legal at home and legal at the destination means you can't be legally busted just for passing through.
There was more to the act and the big thing was the hughs amendment passed by a late night voice vote of socialist scum prohibiting the manufacture or sale of machineguns to civilians.

A lot of people refer to NFA firearms as class 3 and while not strictly correct its usually understood to mean NFA. They are also referred to more correctly as title II or title 2 or NFA.

As for your question about storage, there are no requirements for storage other than what was posted above by Rambler.

Hope that helps

Last edited by amafrank; 01-24-2009 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 04-25-2009, 01:25 AM
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Artful Artful is offline
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Originally Posted by Lawfficer View Post
Good info but that appears to be for a firearm. This is considered a Class III "Device" as far as I know....


Key words
registrants must store NFA firearms so that no one else has access to them

You can put a cable lock thru the center of the suppressor and attach to a post and qualify for this requirement. Idea is so that person can't use it without your premission. One of the little lock boxes that are big enough to put your can into is all you need just make sure it's secured so they can't take the whole thing. Before I got into Home safe's I used bank safe deposit box.
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