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Old 04-06-2008, 10:13 AM
rufracer rufracer is offline
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Frangible M-160 108.5 Grain in whisper?

Anyone have any experience loading these in a whisper? I would think they would work well with something around h110. Any load data would be great.

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Last edited by rufracer; 04-06-2008 at 10:18 AM.
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Old 04-07-2008, 01:25 AM
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Artful Artful is offline
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If you don't have a suppressor, you'd be ok but Frangible and suppressors don't mix.
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:26 PM
rufracer rufracer is offline
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point well taken. I wont be using these with the suppressor on.
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Old 04-08-2008, 01:48 AM
jarhead1086 jarhead1086 is offline
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I ordered some the other day from Hi-Tech because they are so cheap. After ordering 1500 220 gr Matchkings I had to do something to make myself feel better. I will give them a try in the next few weeks. Maybe I'll take them to work and have them penetrant inspected for cracks and try the good ones in the suppressor? You make a good point Artful. There is no sense shooting them subsonic, so I planned on going hi speed and trading the can for ear plugs anyway. A .30 caliber shotgun? My data will be with WCC820 which Hi-Tech is sold out of again. 5 kegs of it will last me though since I won't want to shoot my Matchkings after paying what I did, ouch!! I also wondered if these things were abrasive or caused fouling/deposits. I don't have any cheap barrels to practice on.
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Old 06-04-2008, 03:59 PM
cav_scout_tj cav_scout_tj is offline
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I got 1k of these bullets the other day. Loaded them with 20g of H110 at 2.2". I have not ran them over the chrono. But they were a little hot, and didnt group very well. I cut the charge down to 17g of 296 and they work good. Make a great plinking bullet. But I would not even try 100yards. I'll shoot some steel at 25yards and that is what they are really for. The military M-160 load is very light.... I think 1300fps. The 1/8 twist probably is not helping. I got 1000, so I'll see what powders work best. Will try 15gr 2400 next. step down so it just cycles the weapon.

I also loaded some in the 308, at lower end of the powder range. The accuracy was just plain BAD. I am sure they were going 2600fps or so. I am sure I need to drop that charge down to bar min, and see what I can get.
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Old 05-09-2010, 01:04 PM
Crawdaddy Crawdaddy is offline
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Anyone else tried this recently? I'm going to try them in my m1s whisper setup, supersonic. I've never used these before and plan to spend some time checking for weight variations to see if I can take one variable out of the accuracy question.

I'm looking to develop an inexpensive plinking load. Has anyone had any experience with these on pigs or other critters?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Old 05-15-2010, 01:01 PM
3006mv 3006mv is offline
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I personally would not use frangible bullets to hunt hog with as I think they are designed to break up near the surface and not penetrate. So if you do not get a quick kill the animal will suffer. I would not have a problem using them on smaller varmints in the woodchuck or lighter weight class though. Probably good for just plinking and less worries of ricochet. Or I could be entirely wrong b/c I don't really know the construction or use of these bullets, it is pulled military so someone that has used them would know better than me.
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Old 05-15-2010, 03:06 PM
Texdoug1 Texdoug1 is offline
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I was looking for a heavy frangible around 200gr, with no luck, for hog hunting with a suppressor. My idea is they are frangible bullets meant to be fired 1000+fps faster. At low speeds I thought they might just break up a little, yet still give some penetration. I don't understand why not to use them with a suppressor. It would seem that they are supposed to go much faster without breaking up in the barrel. I will admit I have no experience with them.
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Old 06-03-2010, 07:20 PM
Expatriot Expatriot is offline
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A friend of mine tried frangibles and found that they are intended to break up on very hard surfaces like steel plate. Apparently in ballistic gel they act exactly like a solid. So prob not the best choice for hunting.
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Old 06-11-2010, 05:27 PM
SgtCottle SgtCottle is offline
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ExPat is correct.

I've done some testing with them .... you can shoot completely through several 2x4's because the wood "holds" it together. If you shoot it at a plate it will shatter though. However I have shot it at some two liter bottles and when I finally piece the bottle back together you can see an entry hole and no exit hole. Because the water does not "hold" it together it violently shatters and blows the water bottle into pieces. Also I wouldn't feed them in a semi unless your confident you won't have a problem. I had several tips break when my AR-10 was cycling them, but the AR-10 is a hard cycling rifle. An AR-15 bases rifle would be a bit more gentle, but I have had no problems shooting them in my Rem700 in 308 Winchester.

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