I did some testing, shooting .308 bullets into water jugs from my 9.5" 1/8twist barrel whisper. Penetration was similar, 3 to 4 jugs of water, for all.

From left to right:
Hornady 110V max at 2270fps
Nosler 125g BT at 2180 fps
Hornady 150g SST at 1950fps
Barnes 150TSX 30-30HP at 1950fps
For those of you with longer barrels, these speeds could be 100yards or whatever.
I was was most impressed with the Vmax, I thought it would come apart, but it shed its jacket, and made a perfect flat slug, .61" 65grains retained weight, jacket gone. The others expanded less, like 125BT was .50" and 82g retained, jacked separeted. and 150SST was .55" and 110g retained, jacket separeted. The Barnes is a 30-30 bullet with a BIG hollow point. It expanded to .56" and retained 149.4g. You can see it has a lot of shank left. I did not shoot the 130TTSX barnes, maybe next time. I shot one of the 130s at .308 velocity of 3000 fps and it was impressive.
I think they would all work very well on most game. Lighter the game, lighter the bullet and vice versa.
I think the 110Vmax is gonna become my home defense round. Twice the weight of a m193 round, good expansion, no over penetration, more energy. I am very happy with the results from less than 10" of barrel.
More better pics later.
Edit to add:
I did also shoot the 110g Sierra HP into water jugs, and they did explode on impact, left a few little pieces that thats it. They also did not feed very well. That was not a surprise, they just happened to be some 30 cal bullets I had on hand, and I had an excess of jugs.