I ordered from SSK, a 21" barrel for my contender in 2005 thinking the longer barrel would reduce muzzel blast and sound of the shot. As you noted a shorter barrel is louder, but what you here is the muzzel blast, I don't know how that relates to shot sound down range. I do know you have to be carefull with load developement. I started with JD Jones recomended loads for subsonic and was suprised how much slower my loads were from his listed vel.
His load for a 220gr. bullet from a 16.5" barrel were 10.3 of 1680 for 1023 fps with extreme spread of 33 fps. Out of my 21" SSK barrel that load was only 764 fps with es. of 107fps. His load with 8.5 of #9 was 1013 fps with es. of 71 fps, mine with 8.6 was 852 fps es. of 36 fps. With that I feel that the bullet is acually slowing down in the longer barrel before exiting. To reach a reasonable speed I ended with 9.7 of #9 for 1070 fps with es. of only 13 fps.
The danger with any subsonic load is a bullet not exiting the barrel. With a longer barrel, that may be more likely. You need to be carefull when you first start to work up loads to check your barrel after each shot. A cronograph helps tell you many things, one is that a bullet went over the screens
Have fun, but be safe.