Too many kits
Sadly I'm now up to 24 kits -
5 Romanian G's
2 Yugo Underfolders
1 Milled Yugo Underfolder (for parts)
2 Yugo underfolders
3 Yugo Fixed Stocks
2 Romanian Underfolders
2 Polish Underfolders
2 Bulgarian AK74's
2 Polish Tantals
1 Yugo Milled RPK kit
2 Romanian RPK kits
so my wife won't let me buy any more. I already have two Romanians built (fired one today for two hours), and am starting on a Polish underfolder. It's a bitch too. If you get the rivets in wrong the whole thing lines up incorrectly, and nothing else will go in. I'm going to have to de-mill the damned thing AGAIN.
The best deal I've gotten on Romanian G kits was through Classic Arms. Theirs appear unfired (paper in barrels), and come with magazines and Tapco fire control groups. All for $124 or $99 without FCG or with mismatched #s.
The next best deal is on Polish Tantals from CheaperThanDirt - $152 for an underfolder - not bad. The paint's a bit worn, but the workmanship is fine.
Finally OhioRapidfire has an AK74 (5.45x39mm) for $229. These guns look absolutely new with gorgeous chrome-lined bores, and painted wooden stocks. The paint flakes off easily, and the stocks can be easily refinished.
Get one of these deals. You will not regret it. Avoid the Yugos. They are well-built, but their bores are unlined, and from my experience more than half of them have horrendous bores. By that I mean you will shudder when you look at them. Pitting does not begin to describe the condition of their bores. I would guess they fired a lot of corrosive ammo through them without cleaning them. 2 out of every 5 is useable. I have thrown away two barrels, because they were so bad. In the garbage. One I kept just because it will probably still hit a man-sized target at 100 yards. That's bad.
I hope this helps. There are a lot of good kits out there, and it's surprising given the looming barrel-ban. I would have expected the market to spike in price, but it hasn't seemed to do so.