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Old 08-10-2012, 12:00 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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Talking some varmint data 25-223

Hello quarterbore,

Was invited over by brent with hopes to spread the knowledge with the 25-223 (i will from here on out refer to as 25AR)

I am pretty sure that my barrel was in the first run of barrels that brent made, it is a med varmint contour SS shilen if i remember correctly 16" threaded 5/8x24.

There will be some cut and paste with my data and results so i dont have to rewrite, may take some time as i update (im at work )

I have mainly worked witht he 75-85gr bullets Hornady, sierra, and Nosler. Ive loaded up to 100gr NBT (used 200 for break in, diag, and getting it to run)

----Some of my text will include issues getting my rifle to run i will clarify the reasoning in a post, anyone who orderes a recent barrel WILL NOT HAVE MY ISSUES----

For now heres a pic of barrel profile

And yes the 85gr NBT kills DRT

Ill update a bit later feel free to ask questions
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Old 08-10-2012, 12:03 PM
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Nice stick !
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Old 08-10-2012, 01:01 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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Quick blurb of my cycling issues, when i first got the rifle built i was plagued with cycling issues. I did everything possible before drilling the GP, i wanted to see if i could get it to run w/o drilling.

I had to drill heres why
so ran 50 more rounds today, i was incorrect about the GP size, it was closer to .065" worked up to .076". way better but still sometimes hiccups shot it with my other lower and does same thing. So im going to grab the next 3 sized bits and go up from there. shoots good though, my chrono should be here this week so ill get some velocity #'s next weekend hopefully
thats from the very long thread on ar15.com

Very happy now Now i will start working up some serious ladder tests from 25-27gr see where the sweet spot is. I will def have some updates as i also joined a range so i will prob be shooting every Sunday now best news is i finally got the AR to cycle and goddamn this sumbitch shoots! Had to drill out to #46 .0810" flawless runs on a fully stock buffer setup I have a new favorite mag also for the 25AR, Lancer 10rd fantastic and can accept a little longer OAL.

Also got to chrono my loads ran 20 over it a avg of 2550fps25gr is my start load wanted to ensure function with the lightest loading id run. Only played at 50 due to zeroing my .22 and messing with the chrono. Kept all rounds in a 1" square.

Very happy now Now i will start working up some serious ladder tests from 25-27gr see where the sweet spot is. I will def have some updates as i also joined a range so i will prob be shooting every Sunday now
Ok my thoughts are in red from this old posting

Last edited by scatterbrains; 08-10-2012 at 01:03 PM.
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Old 08-10-2012, 01:23 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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Ok Dies to reload 25AR, its been a looong and $$$$$ road for me i spent almost $450 to find the right combination that works (with help from brent)

I was in on the 2nd run of dies from ch4d <---neck dimensions were oversize in the sizeing die. Everything else was great.. I ordered a ch4d bushing neck sizer to try and "fix" the necks worked ok wasnt consistant : (

NOW here is my attack plan
Some updates ive been working on guys
Using the redding die has been perfect i slid the tapered 25cal button in it w/o the decapping pin and i resized all my previously primed jacked up neck brass.

Loaded 5 they were all perfect
So i popped the pin back in and ran some once fired 25AR through the die, perfect in everyway, also waay smoother than the ch4d dies.

So i have come to this process for the 25AR

virgin 223 brass will be sized and necked in the ch4d die to 25AR then seated with the ch4d seater die.

Once fired 25AR will be sized in the redding die and will be seated by ch4d die also.

This is the best way i decided to do it so i can utilize the fucked up FL ch4d die. The only thing i have bought that bit me in the ass so far is the damn ch4d bushing neck sizing die. It only works with Ch4d bushings well. I put the redding ti ni in, to try and do just necks and it jacked up the brass everytime i gave up after 4 pieces.

So while not totally useless, for 25AR it is.

Hopefully this weekend ill have finished my pressure/velocity testing and move onto my group work up and start messing with the 300 pieces of 75gr pills ive lucked into

ETA: also for you guys with the ch4d dies I have ordered the redding micrometer seating die plug to try in the ch4d seating dieDOES NOT FIT, I WILL BE ORDERING A 25wssm SEATER DIE SO I CAN CRIMP AND USE THE COMP STEM
Again current thoughts in red, also thank you for the welcome Mister Moon
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Old 08-10-2012, 01:28 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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Some load development that i did, mostly just speed
ETA: Data from today loaded up rounds of all the bullets i had ran 2 over the chrono and shot the other 3 for "group". I also finished my pressure and velocity testing of the 85gr NBT

16" barrel H335 85gr NBT
26.3gr–– 2664fps avg

26.5gr––2688fps avg

––-No pressure signs whatsoever and fantastic accuracy from both. I will no focus on the 26gr-26.5gr area and do more development but i think i have found THE perfect load for my purposes as the above picture proves

now the rest all loaded at 25gr of H335

sierra 75gr HP––––––––2587fps avg @20fps difference

sierra 90gr HP––––––––2559 AND 2560fps I will be working on this bullet and this charge

sierra 90BK––––––––––-2539avg also very promising 10fps difference between 2 shots

Hornady 75gr HP––––––––-no readings not sure what happened, shot like shit anyway

hornady 87gr SP––––––-2556fps another great result within 15fps

Hornady 90gr midway blems tips cut––––––––-2576fps blasting ammo

All the rounds shot well except the 75gr Hornadys. I was definitely the limiting factor for sure as we were using a hasty rest on a round bail.

testing paper at 100yds

75gr sierra HP 100yd (disregard writing lol) 6 shots black square is .5"

Seems like 25gr of H335 is a fantastic start point for 90gr and below bullets and is a damn sweet spot for most bullets IMO.
I will def be working up the 75gr sierras because they shoot as well as the 85gr NBT. Same with the sierra 90gr loads ill load up 20 of each run 10 over chrono and bench the other 10 and really get a good idea of where they fall in line.
Some more info
With the 85gr bullets i have gone all the way to a compressed load, didnt shoot it .

I have decided my MAX charge is 26.5gr at 26.7gr with the 85gr bullets it becomes a compressed load.
I will be doing some testing with the sierra 75hp up to 27gr for sure. i really think the 75gr will be an awesome round for the ground hogs.
although the 85gr is no slouch
I never did get to doing up the 90gr bullets i did a little work on the sierras but nothing really in depth, I have since worked with the 75gr hornady HPs and they work well ill find the later posts...

Last edited by scatterbrains; 08-10-2012 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 08-10-2012, 02:03 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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My 75gr load ups

So i finally did some load work up with the Hornady 75gr HP's.

Bullet: Hornady 75gr HP
Powder: H335
primer: CCI41
OAL: 2.250

All targets were shot at 127 yards off bipod and rear bag.
Started at 26gr and worked up to 27.5gr in .5gr steps







27.5gr- flattened primers and ejector swipes


overall they shoot great ill be making my go to for the 75gr hornadys 26.5gr
They work good i do prefer the 85gr NBT on groundhogs though, i have to do some more testing though (read killing )LOL
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Old 08-10-2012, 02:07 PM
scatterbrains scatterbrains is offline
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some long term thoughts

So figure id do a little "long term" update LOL.

I know some of you guys got more rounds through than i do but i figured id share.

I am up to 800rnds through the gun now.i am up to 4 loadings on the same 200 pieces of brass. Found 5 split necks tonight so looks like ill stick to 3 loadings hell its 223 brass its cheap

I have been very happy with the rifles performance and am fine tuning it even more. I have settled on 2 loads now

85gr nosler ballistic tip 2.250" OAL cci41 primers, over 26.3gr of H335, velocity is @ 2765fps avg.––-This is my go to groundhog load––-

Next load is

75gr Hornady HP 2.240" OAL cci41 primers over 27gr of H335 velocity is @ 2830fps––-havent tried on groundhogs yet but its proved very accurate––-
That is pretty much all of my load development that i found in the "Big thread" i know i have some notes and recipes in my data book so ill update this thread with that information.

Sorry for the super postings LOL

Last edited by scatterbrains; 08-10-2012 at 02:10 PM.
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