I posted a few of these earlier but the thread kinda went a different direction. So I figured I would post the results of the season this year.
The first one was my 14 year old daughters first deer, a good size doe, she was actually bigger than the picture makes her look.
She was about 25 feet in front of the stand, ran off about 40yds and crashed. Bullet was a thru and thru tore up the left lung and liver and looked like top of heart was damaged badly, honestly the internals were so messed up it was hard to tell, but very little meat damage .
The bullet was a:
180gr Prototype low velocity expander
14.5gr Accurate 1680
Parts gun various suppliers on an Oly lower
Barrel: 16 in 1 in 10 twist carbine position gas port at .125. Made from a remington 700 .308 take off.
The following were all taken by myself using the following bullet and load
200gr Prototype low velocity expander
10.1gr Accurate 1680
All of them were about 50 yds
Rifle is based on a 80% lower using various parts
Barrel is a 1 in 8 twist pistol position gas port. Not sure of port size. Actually just borrowing the barrel because the owner has not had time to make me a 10 1/2 1 in 8 twist one yet, and he was not going to get a chance to hunt this season.
first one was a Doe. spine shot hit bone all the way thru recovered bullet on other side. Dropped on the spot. finished her with my .45. had to cut out about an inch and a half of backstrap because of damage.
spine damage

Bullet on left was recovered

Bullet on right was recovered from a fresh road kill experiment that went all the way thru and recovered in the dirt.
Next was a small doe. High shoulder low neck. exit wound blew out left shoulder. she instantly fell. struggled to get up, limped about 5 yrds laid down for a few moments struggled to get back up, limped about 10 yds then laid down again. I waited a few moments and she looked like she was thru. I got down and as I got close to her she struggled back up and limpled into a thicket. I backed off and took my stuff down and to the house, and waited a few minutes. Got My 16 year old boy to help me track her, Started where we shot her and followed good blood trail and she was about 5 yds into the thick area.

Exit wound

Top of lungs
3rd one I actually thought was a large Doe, but ended up being a descent size button buck.
Right at the base of the neck and back. dropped where he was. he was still breathing a little when I got to him so finished him with my .22 1911 top of head.
recovered bullet in left shoulder.
4th one was another small doe a pair came in so I lined up one and took her in the shoulder. she ran off about 30yds and was dead.
Double lung shot
Now the funny part was when I shot the other one of course took off the opposite direction then the one I shot. When I got to where I shot her I found this on the ground:

I was confused because I new where I had aimed and she was walking slowly when I took the shot, plus there was a blood trail

. So I followed the blood and there she was. In just that few minutes, I had forgotten about the tail until I drug her back to where I shot her and then saw the tail on the ground again. I looked at her tail and the whole thing was there. I realized that as she was walking she had walked in front of the other one and when I took the shot the bullet went thru and then clipped off the tail of the other one.
Last one was a mercy kill spike buck came in limping and only one antler.
His back leg looked like it had been hit with a shotgun pellet. bone was shattered and had started to heal all messed up. wound was infected. the other antler which I thought maybe had broken off had actually never started growing. We have hunters that run dogs in this county and this is seen a lot. guy tries taking a shot at a running deer with his 12 gauge and all he does is wound it

. I am not a fan of dog runners.
All in all a successful year. All six deer shot with .300 blackout recovered and processed. Meat in freezer and looking forward to next year.