Try aa#9 works great for me.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try to pick up a jug when I can.
Here are my 210 Berger VLD-H(unting) loads with 9.8gr of 5744 on paper. I know that you guys prefer testing at longer distances with more cartridges but I only test a few initial cartridges at 25yrds because 1) if the load tumbles at 25yards then it's not going to get any better at longer distances. 2) If it doesn't show any type of accuracy (for my limited ability) then it won't be any better at longer distances either.
I tested two 210 loads. They both were loaded with 9.8gr of 5744 but one group had magnum primers. I just wanted to see if there was any difference with the hotter primers. It seems that the Magnum primers were heading towards a more consistent velocity.
1st group:
Regular primers
Vel:825.6, 884.3, "error"
2nd group:
Magnum Primers
vel: 889.8, 846.0, 846.5
It's pretty obvious that these long bullets are tumbling slightly so I may up the charge a little to see if I can settle it down a bit with a tad more velocity. I honestly don't know if the longer bullet will ever be able to be stable at subsonic velocities with my 1-9.5" twist so this test may be over.
Have any of you 300 shooters tested this combo in your rifles yet? I think your 1-8" twist would be perfect. At least they didn't keyhole...at this distance.
I also tested five 174gr FMJBT (.3105dia) over 9.8gr of 4759
Vel:890.3, 921.4, 893.4, 893.8, "error"
This has some good potential and I will load some up with 5744 as well to test.