Originally Posted by 320pf
Maybe if you had come on this site when you first released the 300 AAC Blackout and simply thanked all of the 300 WTF wildcaters/developers here and acknowledged their efforts and expressed what a valuable resource that they created for you and your company AAC, you would not be getting such a bad time from folks.
I am sorry for not doing that. As you know, I polled here to see what preferences people had for supersonic bullets, and read about 220 vs 240, and learned about powders and rifle configurations that people liked. It is not just a valuable resource here, but was pretty much the only resource. I also learned about the cartridge OAL factor here and read everything. So thank you. I/we did not invent 300-221. The contribution was mostly bringing it to SAAMI so that more companies felt comfortable making guns and ammo. The future contribution will be getting all sorts of interesting factory loads out.