Originally Posted by rsilvers
Because the brass starts out in spec. With your way, it would have to be shot once to be in spec - like 7.62x40 WT. I don't want people to have to fire their brass once to make it in spec.
My way? WTF?
the brass starts out in spec for a whisper(r) chamber and fireforms +.002 > to become a blk or didnt you read what Alleycat posted?
It also fireforms into the .001 > neck diameter of the blk chamber.
So in fact it is being fireformed even though you say you dont want folks to have to do that.
So far, more shoulder is better but then again its not.
You dont want folks to have to fireform their brass even though thats what actually happens as per Alleycats research.
The mystery deepens ...What will you say that you'll contradict next?