I put together an AR carbine that's built around a rimless 256 Winchester Magnum. I'm reforming .223 brass and using Lil' Gun powder. Right now I'm shooting Sierra 70gr BlitzKing bullets and would like to go lighter but there doesn't seem to be any pointy bullets lighter than 70gr in .257" diameter. The barrel on this carbine is 11.5" long with a fake 607 moderator pinned and welded to make it a legal 16". I really don't think I want to try the 60gr flat nosed bullets that are available -- I've got a feeling they wont feed well. I really wish there was a 60gr bullet similar to the Sierra 70gr BlitzKing bullet. Does anybody here know of a pointed .257" diameter bullet that is lighter than 70 grains?
This is the carbine is below. I put the scope on there to use in checking accuracy. Normally I use a carry hand with a small 4X scope.

The rimless 256 winchester magnum is the cartridge on the left next to a .223 cartridge. The 256 WM in the picture has not been fire-formed yet.