Pretty cool. You really couldn't ask for better results than that. Only problem for me is; they wouldn't stabilize in my picky a$$ barrel. If I had a rifle that would work with them, I would for sure get some of those for hunting.
The bullets I got are samples and are geared toward AR users. Some ARs don't like running a round nose style bullet without a little modification to the barrel extension. A lot of people don't want to do that. I have a 16" 300 Whisper and a 10.5 300 Blackout. The Whisper has been modified. The Blackout has not. Both run the new style bullet without a hitch. They feed without marring up the tip. I shot one into the news print next to a 208 A-Max. I took pics every 2 to 3 inches to show the progress of the expansion. If any ones interested I'll put them up.
There are no BC data. I have a buddy that owns the same chronograph I do. If I get a chance in the next month I'll try to set them both up and get a BC. I don't know how accurate it will be, but we'll give it a shot. In subsonic hunting It may not matter that much, but would be a very explosive supersonic bullet.
I think the 220s are going to be a go. The 250s I'm not sure about. I shot the 220s out to 200yds in the blackout and I had nice round holes. The 250s shot into 1.25 @ 100yds, but had tail drag. In the 16" Whisper about 60 percent had round holes. 1 in 8 is not quite enough for the 250s. 1 in 6.5 on the other hand could be the ticket.
They haven't set a price or a release date yet.