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Old 02-23-2011, 11:59 AM
ds762 ds762 is offline
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RSilvers gone MIA?

Is it just me or does it appear that Mr. Silvers has momentarily stopped coming around to spread the ludicrous claims surrounding the BRAND NEW AAC 300 BLACKOUT?

I mean I miss reading about rocket science, voodoo, and skilled machinists who are the only ones who know how to read and follow a blueprint.

Wonder what the next load of bullsh*t AAC/Silvers is going to try to feed us next?

Anyways .. back to your regularly scheduled program!
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Old 02-23-2011, 09:16 PM
rsilvers rsilvers is offline
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As far as I know, I post almost every day.

Yes, gunsmiths tend to "know too much from their own experience" to follow a drawing and often put their own experience into it. I will start with one example...

I had a well known gunsmith/barrel company make a bunch of sample AR barrels. The barrel extensions later came loose. I asked him how that could happen when the drawing called for 150+-5 ft-lbs of torque. He said "That military torque spec is no good as barrels are more accurate if they are at a lower torque." He had too much experience to follow the drawing and knew it was "too much," so on his own he did what he thought was best. I need all of our parts the same, and so they are made to a drawing by a machinist. No voodoo.

Another example....

I was at famous gunsmith's shop as he was threading a rifle for a silencer. I saw him reducing the thread diameter and trying on a silencer until the can just fit snugly. I told him that the thread specs were published - and made sure he had a copy. I said he should use thread-wires or a thread-micrometer and verify that the threads are in spec. He said "If I follow the thread specs, the can might not be snug - and I prefer a custom fit." Problem is, then it only works on that one can.

That is the beauty of interchangeable parts - something that most 1911s and custom guns do not have.


A Sig-550 rifle, or an Accuracy International, are very high quality, very precise, and yes - the parts interchange. That is the benefit of using engineers, drawings, and making parts to print. That is my goal.
R&D for AAC

Last edited by rsilvers; 02-23-2011 at 09:49 PM.
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Old 02-23-2011, 11:55 PM
Mike Bell Mike Bell is offline
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Dude...why all the hating? Its like beating a dead horse!

Robert did/does alot of work at AAC and they wanted a military and LE range of loads and rifles platforms and AAC took a redesigned .300 WTF ever to market, and made it a standard by submitting it under the Blackout name.

Hey guess what? We all win! why?.......Because in the future, the prices on guns, barrels and brass, come down on every thing related to the .300 wtf ever!

I think its time to move on.
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Old 02-24-2011, 12:19 AM
HUNTER2 HUNTER2 is offline
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Could not have said it better!!!!! Tomorrow is another day.....
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Old 02-24-2011, 12:54 AM
ohnomrbillk ohnomrbillk is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike Bell View Post
Dude...why all the hating? .......

I think its time to move on.
"What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now."
-Bluto for Animal House

I think it is okay to flip sh!t to Silvers. In all reality, we know he won, and we know we have access to more options because of it.....Henry Ford pioneered a great deal of what is still used in the automotive industry, and the GM and Mopar guys will still call Ford "Found On Road Dead." The price of standing on the top of the pedestal is having to dodge the fruit being thrown. Pretty sure Silvers can take a few jabs on the chin.

Speaking of jabs on the chin....Silvers never really did answer ds762's questions.....
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Old 02-24-2011, 04:35 AM
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TCCrewchief76 TCCrewchief76 is offline
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I, for one, believe rsilvers deserves a bit of credit here. Among all the bashing he's received, he has remained the professional that we so strive for in the industry. Can he, or Reminton, or AAC please everyone? No; that is an impossible feat to think that we or anyone can accomplish. Think of what he (and when I mean he, I mean the collective rsilvers, Remington, and AAC) has done for the CONCEPT of the cartridge. In time, I believe that he will have done more than JD has. I haven't seen anything yet in the gunrags about the cartridge; nothing mainstream or frontpage at least. The popularity of this thing is GONNA TAKE OFF once people really grasp the concept. In addition, I believe suppressor sales ARE GOING TO SKYROCKET. This is good for everyone (nearly) in our little niche market, and as mentioned above, will only bring more products to fruition and a resulting decrease in prices for those products. So thank you, AAC/Remington/rsilvers, for doing us all a favor; even if we don't realize it in the short-term.


Kevin Days
Can you hear that? It's our founding fathers turning over in their graves...
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Old 02-24-2011, 07:02 AM
tp555 tp555 is offline
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True " Make it like the drawing" seems to be a foreign language to the cnc guys.So I still make my gas blocks myself.
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Old 02-24-2011, 10:20 AM
sha-ul sha-ul is offline
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Originally Posted by ds762 View Post
Is it just me or does it appear that Mr. Silvers has momentarily stopped coming around to spread the ludicrous claims surrounding the BRAND NEW AAC 300 BLACKOUT?

I mean I miss reading about rocket science, voodoo, and skilled machinists who are the only ones who know how to read and follow a blueprint.

Wonder what the next load of bullsh*t AAC/Silvers is going to try to feed us next?

Anyways .. back to your regularly scheduled program!
Dude, who lit the string on your tampon?

Is it really Necessary to attack someone personally?
So Mr Silvers has taken the cartridge you have been playing with for a while, modified it slightly& put it on the commercial market. All in all, this is a good thing.
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Old 02-24-2011, 11:07 AM
mak91 mak91 is offline
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Time may be better spent focusing our dis like of anti-gunners than amongst ourselves. I see people ragging on each other on all the sites. Mine is better than yours, this is better than that, I thought of this first. We are forgetting one simple thing, we are suppose to be having fun doing this And as we fight with each other there are those who plot to take our toys way.
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Old 02-24-2011, 12:59 PM
i8asquirrel i8asquirrel is offline
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We all know there is more S_ _ t flung here than in a Chimp cage at the zoo. . . But it needs to be kept in good sport.Rsilvers Helped me ALOT with my builds and loading I for one am very thankfull for somebody who will share info....try to get some other "designers" to help and they act like it Secret Squirrel time
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