Thanks for all the links
Sorry I haven't had the chance to reply but, thanks for all the links for potential info.
I never really gave much thought to the SBR, but nice one none the less...
My line of thinking is to have SSK re-barrel the little rifle with a 16" Shilen 1/8, and thread it.
I was thinking along the line of a Gemtech or an AAC but he, JDJ, mentioned that he too can provide me with a suppressor. As this is my first venture down this road I'm a bit confused how to go. I'm not too familiar with JDJ's silencers but, knowing of his reputation the product must be good and the other products stand on their own.
I don't see this rifle as being used only for paper punching, and I do know the limitations of this cartridge but, shots out to 200/250 are in the realm of possibility.
The rifle I shot that got my interest was a Thompson Contender G2 since then I started searching for a small bolt gun that I thought would work well for the project. When I found this hardly shot, in box CZ. So the purchase was made and the project planning began.
I want this to remain a compact piece, the original wood is nothing special but, does have some nice figure to it. I would consider a new compact stock but, the choices are limited. I know HS precision makes a synthetic varmint stock, and Boyd's makes a nice looking laminated stock. Beyond that the choices are limited.