With Chamber pressure at 21,100 psi ? I feel if you make a 300 AAC M1 carb round cheaper than the 30 carb ammo on the market now. You could open a hole new market for this round, and run it in the platform it was made for 30 years ago. With a ream and a little bolt work any M1 carbine could fire this round loaded to an (OAL) of 1.680 with 110gr RNFMJ or 110gr RNSP. and be legal to hunt with. I like hunting with my hand me down carbine from pop in .300 fireball. I would much rather have had it on any of my deployments than any M4. Even at close range 5.56 had all it could do to punch threw block or mud huts. My fireball will make dust out of block at 100 yards with FMJ.
Last edited by HOG GUNNER; 01-18-2011 at 03:45 PM.