Originally Posted by TCCrewchief76
and most likely pay to the tune of $25 a box for what you could load for a mere fraction of that...
And the Corbon is currently $45/box and almost impossible to find.
I think this does nothing but help us out from a factory available ammo standpoint. Plus with the SAAMI specs being standardized, there will hopefully be more helpful reloading information from the major players. The Sierra Manual gets me in the ballpark, but my 10.5" AR barrel is significantly faster than the Thompson barrel they use... and I'm shooting semi-auto!
I do reload, but the wider acceptance increases the likelihood of new (cheaper) bullets being developed for this cartridge! Right now, if you want expanding subs, you have to pay over a buck each and then reload them yourself. it would be nice to have a factory option in the same price range.
Plus if by some longshot miracle, they get widespread military acceptance of this cartridge, then ammo will become very inexpensive!