Whatcha doin' for Thanksgivin'?
Well all, the time is nearing for us to partake in the yearly sacrafice of a poor defenseless feathered creature, for no other reason for us to reflect on the past, and be thankful for what we have.
Okay, okay, that was dorky in a kinf of funny way, but hey, it works.
So, what's every one doing? Traveling, staying at home?
My wife and I are doing our "normal" thing. Both of our families live within 20 miles of each other, and we live about in the middle. At about 1:00 we will eat at my parents home, then about 6:00 we will head to her parents.
Hopefully, the in-laws will deep fry another turkey this year. They have for the past 3, and mmmmmmm-boy! Them be good eatins! Deep fried turkey is soooo good. i would rather have it than normal oven turkey.
Oh well.....I'm done rambling now. Happy Holidays!