another way to look at it: what with all the .308 case cartridges being SO SUCCESSFUL,,another in .25 WOULD have been a good idea! I've long given up on finding one of the 'big' companys offering a .25-08. The biggest reason for this great round is,,the GREAT case. .308 cases are SO COMMON, and any of us 25 caliber riflemen KNOW it's better than the Winchester brass being often available in .250 Savage. The Winchester brass is UNDERSIZE, and I have not taken the time to see if the web/sidewall area is thinner or not[?].
So just build your own and don't wait for a factory round.
By the way,,,when one wheel manufacturer made a mag wheel that SOLD LIKE HOTCAKES,,,they made more similar,,and OTHER manufacturers COPIED the first wheel as close as possible for there own [hopefully]hot selling mag wheel design. Sooooo, when the .243, .260, 7-08, .308, 338 Federal, .358 [ok, a GREAT round,,but hardly succesful!], are all selling like WOWSERS,,wouldn't some manufacturer think the .25 on a .308 case MIGHT SELL on the coattails of these other great rounds?? Come up with whatever attention catching name they want,,just make a 25 bore on the Excellent .308 case!
The 25 Whizbang,,the .257 Rem/Win, The .258 Rem/Win, the .25-08, the,,,WHATEVER. The .25 ain't dead,,and the 25 WSSM has it's own problems [throat errosion, case neck thickness allowing blowby to body area, etc].
ok,,the caffiene is waining down,,,I'll be ok.
First post here on 'QuarterBore'.
Didn't know you guys were here.
Alan in GA.
making do with:
Ruger 77 Mark II in .250 Ackley Improved
Ruger 77R in .250 Savage [factory]
Ruger 77R in .250 Savage [had to have another when it showed up-actually the two 77Rs are my sons,,,,but I get to keep them in MY safe!]
Ruger 77UL in .250 AI [sold it,shouldn't have!,,,arrrg!]