I am not a collector, but I thought I would share this info. I happened accross the site becasue I was reading about retro M16s and the like on another site and some how I ended up here. Anyway, I have an M9 that has the commercial 1987 markings on it, but I know for a fact that it was issued to me from the arms room when I was deployed to Iraq with the 82nd during Desert Shield. I ended up bringing it home as I was issued a second M9 in country and when I turned in my gear the supply Sgt would only take one back since I only had one on my property sheet. I kept the one that came from the arms room since I had carried it and turned the "new" one in (he also wouldn't take back my flak vest that I was issued in country.) Just thought it was interesting and I would pass it along. Nice site BTW. I am sure I will be spending more time around here.