Romanian AKM "G" marked kits
There are a number of Romanian AKM kits that have been imported into the US and quite a few people have been trying to figure out what the rather conspicuous "G" on the rear sight assembly, the black paint on the end of the stock, and the noted absence of a full auto disconnector in all of the kits.
Because I also have one of these kits I wanted to compile some of the oppinions and discussions about these kits here so that if the threads get pruned off other websites the information may be preserved here. all of the information that follows is information that others came up with and I wil try to post credits as possible as I am no expert on Romanian AKMs, but I am trying to learn!
Atached is an image of one of these kits as being sold by DPH Arms as well as an image of one of these rear sight assemblies and front trunions that show the markings...