I personally feel that the M9 bayonets with the lowest production numbers are the "best". Some of these are the 1986 XM9 Trials bayonets, the first run "chevron", the Buck Collectors Club numbered chevron or the Phrobis chevron plaque. The Buck 1991 USMC M9, of which there were 5000 made, also seems to be a desireable piece. I also like the prototype pieces.
As quarterbore stated, ebay is probably the best place to list your bayonets if you're looking for maximum exposure. There are thousands of bayonets listed on ebay at any given time and as much as people might claim that they don't like ebay, they still check the listings very regularly.
Another option is to list your bayonets on this forum. At least you'll know for sure that you'll have a viewing audience who will appreciate what you're selling.
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