Originally Posted by Mister Moon
Today the N° .. 9 was sold for 1041 $
Well, I can say that I was the idiot who spent that much on the bayonet. I decided to get at least one semi-rare bayonet for my growing M9 collection after a huge debacle with Canadian customs and the Eickhorn & Ontario XM9 bayonets I recently bought from another seller (I think everyone knows the seller I am referring to).
Initially, I purchased the Trials copies of Eickhorn and the rejected Ontario XM9 bayonets and they arrived in Canadian customs 3 weeks ago. BUT.... I have been in contact with CanadaPost and they finally informed me that there was a small fire in the Sortation Plant in Mississauga. My Trials bayonets arrived there a few weeks ago but they never cleared customs and now I have been told that they could have been burnt in a small fire, or at least the outside labels (shipper/receiver) were burned/blackened so they cannot be shipped or returned to sender. Canada will "dispose" of the "undeliverable packages" after a short while...

To make me feel better, I decided to spend some money on the No.9 Buck bayonet.
Life can suck sometimes when beautiful and rare examples of bayonets are destroyed by the post office... Here's hoping that at least I get the No.9 bayonet.