Originally Posted by Malaga
I loaded the heads backwards...
The use of the plural "heads" should suggest that I was referring to the "pointy things" :)
I see that but since each round has a case head and multiples would be plural its still a bit vague....
Not trying to be a troublemaker or english teacher idiot....though I may be both. I find in doing a lot of gunshows that the folks who refer to "bullet heads, bullet tips, tips or heads" also tend to be the ones that I'd be afraid to have shooting anywhere near me on a range or off. They are also the ones who call every AK semi an AK47 and think all of them are machineguns.
Does it make a big difference in the grand scheme of things???? Probably not.
I'm not sure why it bugs me and maybe I'm just a bit too uptight and proper.
Do as you will and call them what you want. I won't trouble you anymore about it......