Having Some Chambering Issues
Got a buddy with a .300 Whisper that needed some rounds made as a favor. As I'm such a nice guy, I figured why not try out my first wildcat for my friends benefit. I recently ordered a M1S upper anyway and figured that I might as well get myself set up for reloading once it comes... in 20-24 weeks...
Anyway, I used 556/.223 once fired brass and used a Redding Full length sizing die with the decaping rod assembly removed to form, then cut to 1.350" and reamed and chamfered, then resized again in the dies before charging and seating. It turned out that there was a lot of tension in the chamber. I remeasured the rounds I loaded and they all came within .01 - .005" below sierra's rendition of factory spec on all measurements.
It turns out that a buddy of his built his rifle... I was initially thinking that it wasnt headspaced properly and even filed down my shellplate a bit to lower the shoulder on the brass to no avail. After blackening a dummy round (just lead and brass) with a parafin candle, I chambered it to find that the headspacing was just fine but it seems like the body of the brass is binding. Pix are attached.
I was really hoping to figure something out on my end to custom make a cartridge for this particular rifle but im about ready to have him send it back to his builder for some refinishing. Any thoughts?