last week I trimmed 6 different brands of 223.
They are all pretty close in terms of wall thickness(+or- .002") but the base varies a bit.
I also deburred the flashholes in the same setup(vertical mill and v-block) after indicating center with a 90 deg mill/drill. It is amazing how much variance(amount of cleanup at the flash hole) there is in the same brand. So that means the base thickness varies a bit since my zero was the bottom of the case. They were fired cases so I had to check for high primers and dings that might affect my cut length. For the most part they were pretty good.
Winchester has always been a decent good choice for 223 so I think it would be fine for 300W if you prep them well. I would deburr the flash hole and then weigh every pc and sort them.
I am going to check each brand for capacity to see what would be better for sub loads and hot loads.