I promised to share the results of the test of Wildcat bullets 220 gr Hollowpoints
So here we go.
These are the bullets as received.
Last week I loaded them over 8.9 gr & 9.2gr of Alliant 2400. The test was into water soaked phone books at 100 yards. Initial velocity of the 9.2 gr load was around 1130 fps (just over the speed of sound that day). So I moved on down to the 8.9 gr loads. Velocity was recorded by an Oehler model 35, 15 feet from the muzzle. This load provided an average of 1086 fps.
Shooting into the phone books provided for 10 to 12 " of penetration. The way I do the phone books is to duct tape 2 together and soak overnight in a cooler adding water as it gets soaked up. Then I take the phone books and stack them into "banker boxes" which provides about 15" of depth.
No bullet penetrated completely. The chronograph was then placed at the 100 yard line and velocity was recorded as about 1030 fps. This derives an actual BC of .440.
Here are the bullets I removed from the phone books.

As you can see the jackets basically sheared off and the bullet did not expand.
Richard & I have already talked another batch will be forthcoming.