Originally Posted by rsilvers
I think you need to wait until you have a real gas tube and then see what happens.
I can't see how a carbine buffer spring is a good idea. It it too short. Also you should put back a normal buffer. Why are you doing all these strange things - to be able to use really fast powder to be quieter?
I've heard of other people doing this(on this site) to help with cycling. To be honest, it works. Its just not working now because I have no gas directed back into the action. I'm only posting this because I'm concerned that a pistol gas tube wont be the correct length. I think that because...again....people on this site have mentioned that on their barrels, a pistol length tube wasn't correct and they had to custom make one out of a longer tube.
Kind of a moot point since I don't even want to bother with light loads anymore. I'm happy with 9ish grains of 2400 which is plenty for the bullets I'm shooting.
If the gas tube works, then great. If it doesn't fit, then I don't know what I'll do since i'm not really getting any helpful answers. I thought this stuff was pretty common for ar-15 whispers, but apparently not.