Originally Posted by LouBoyd
First you need to state if it's for an AR-15, AR-10 or a bolt action. Are you loading to a 2.28", 2.8", or some other length magazine? There are lots of 500 grain and heavier .458" bullets but not all will work well out of an AR-15 magazine. With cast lead you have gas port clogging to worry about in a gas gun.
Gas port clogging not an issue if:
1) you use an appropriately sized bullet-.001"-.002" over bore diameter
2) if the velocities exceed 1300fps or so, a gascheck is utilized
I can't tell you how many times this wives tale has been regurgitated over the years. There is another site/forum that has great information with not only AR's, but AK's and M1A's as well using cast. PM me for site info, as I'm not sure if links to other sites will upset the moderators here.