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Old 09-23-2008, 03:44 PM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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I have been getting feedback from my site that Keith is not answering his emails. That tells me he is either no longer into the 300 Whisper game, or I have his email address screwed up.

Current Info and prices??

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Old 09-23-2008, 04:51 PM
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Scoots Scoots is offline
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I emailed him back in June, as I wanted to order more brass from him. Unfortunately, I have not received a reply and I have the same email address as you.
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:38 PM
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I wrote him back in the end of May and he wrote me right back, but that was a little earlier in the year than you two tried. This is the address I had:

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Old 09-24-2008, 04:05 AM
dksd39 dksd39 is offline
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here is the email I got from him on 9/1 but have no further info..

This is a blank statement I'm sending out. For cleaning up my email box. I do
have about a 100,000 .223 brass set back and I am making 300 whisper brass and
can trim to any length. But I'm just unable to keep up with demand. I don't
advertize but work of mouth is killing me. But i retired out of the army couple
years ago and with school i have been finishing up and my new job as a engineer
and catching up on lost time with my family for all the time uncle sam had me on
a world tour and my time with boy scouts, girl scouts, church youth group
etc....My time is limted. So to be fair i sell it on gunbroker.com under the
name keith__davis this way i only post it when i have it done right in front of
me. My goal is to have a couple thousand a week on there. Also with in the month
i will be marketing my own barrels for the AR-15 has well. I have a gas system
based on a pistol length gas tube that will run both subsonic and supersonic
loads. Thanks to all those
who have ordered from me and let me say I'm sorry to all those who have
patiently (or unpatiently) waited for thier orders. It would be so easy to take
payment but I get behind and feel bad for gettting backed up. Thank you for your
time. Check time to time on gunbroker.
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Old 09-24-2008, 11:36 AM
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Scoots Scoots is offline
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Thanks for the update on Davis. I really liked the "no-hassle" of purchasing brass from him.

I found no auction listings on GunBroker.com for him, not even in "Completed Auctions".

All good things usually come to an end, so it looks like I'll be making my own brass.
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Old 09-29-2008, 12:21 AM
jarhead1086 jarhead1086 is offline
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I'm glad I got a couple thousand from him when I did, he makes great brass and he is a top notch human being. If you are shooting semi or full auto and need a bunch just buy a Dillon trimmer and a trim die from C-H tool and die. You'll also need a ram extension for your press to get the brass up in there. You can make a pile of brass in a hurry. The only slow down is cleaning brass birds nests out if the vacuum dosen't suck fast enough. This is the only way to go. Can you imagine making brass for other people? I barely have time for my own stuff, you can't blame Dave for cutting back to a "couple thousand per week". I wouldn't/couldn't do that for myself using my own high speed set-up.
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